German officials have announced that about 1,000 young men…were involved in a coordinated attack against at least 90 women in Cologne on New Year’s Eve. The women were harassed, molested, raped and robbed by the men in an assault authorities described as “unprecedented” in both scale and nature. Police chief Wolfgang Albers said it was “a completely new dimension of crime,” adding that a volunteer policewoman was one of the victims. The assault went unreported for days in most cases.
We have heard the saying “when seconds count, the police are minutes away”. In this case, the police just watched; no arrests were made. The “government” censored the media’s reporting of the event.
Keep chanting the Obama mantra: “Islam Is Peaceful”. It will not help us as the attacks here will continue but it will be politically correct for the parameters set out by our transgendered government.
David DeGerolamo
You Germans better wake up and grab hold of that stasi Nazi Merkel and her administrators in the government and the military and hang every one of them in the middle of the street where these islamic terrorist reside, hang her in the square upside down like Mussolini was hanged and let the islamic murderers witness they will be next, then begin deporting every islamic out of the nation. If you do not do this you will be turned into Sweden and Norway where the terrorists have gained control of the countries and are striking fear in the hearts of the stupid people.
I have been in that square, on Octoberfest and on New Years eve, and I have never seen it like that…
the muslims, due to their disordered belief in a false god and a vile prophet, are incapable of integrating into Western society, and should be driven (by force if necessary) back whence they came.
No sane person negotiates with evil, and no sane person accomodates evil -- for the outcome is as sure as the rising of the sun, that evil will never be done demanding accomodation, and no negotiation will be abided by it either -- no matter how much we give, it will never be sufficient, until we are destroyed, and only evil remains
Can two walk together, if the be not agreed? -- Amos 3:3