MVT: Where We Are

Let’s keep things simple, shall we.

We are facing the end of the Republic. It is easily argued that it already expired, the point being that now we face a deep state coup, massive election fraud, huge corruption, an attempted Marxist takeover, and foreign control from China.

Democrats are traitors to the Republic. Republicans are not much better. The rule of law is dead: nothing that Trump has attempted to do has been done. He is surrounded by the deep state. The three letter agencies (of which so many of you are so afraid) have sold out to the dark side. They are part of the deep state.

Many of you are sold on the PSYOP that there is a plan in place. You may follow QAnon. “Trust the plan.” There is no plan. The attorneys who have attempted to fight the election fraud in court are fools. Why? Because they are working in an old system, where they had success with big lawsuits in court, and cannot get their heads around the massive corruption of the rule of law and the court system. They are working in an old system that no longer has merit. The supreme court is not doing its job. The Lawyers will not save you; you have to save yourself.

I would like to be wrong, and I would be happy to be so. But I don’t think so. Unless Trump pulls a plan out of his ass, Biden is getting sworn in on the 20th of January. The reprieve we had during the four years of the Trump Presidency will be over.

Most of America is sleeping. They expect that we will get over this. They expect a ‘return to normal.’ That is not going to happen. In 2021, it will all be over. The Republic will be finally dead. They hate you, and will be after you. That means your livelihood, your family, even your very lives. It always happens with a socialist administration. Even when you tell yourself that “it can’t happen here.” America is the prize, and it will happen here more than anywhere else.

Thus we face huge normalcy bias and denial. And this is the key, what I want to talk about here today.

I wrote a recent article called “Trust in Combat.” What I didn’t do was give you the answer to the problem. I will do so today, however much you don’t want to hear it.

Read the Whole Article Here…

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4 years ago

Quote; “The rule of law is dead”. I will not disagree with this, however, does this mean the glove can now come off? If that be the case then let the leaders stand up and lets get this crap storm on the road.

I would suggest that our President Trump is still in office and has not exhausted all his supply of options. What do we have to loose by letting the final act play out.

4 years ago
Reply to  oldtimer505

President Trump is the Commander in Chief, I’ll await his orders, but Biden democRats have stirred the Hornet’s Nest of the 1775 Revolution.

4 years ago

Friday is the day the 2018 EO goes hot. It’s not over.

4 years ago
Reply to  Maggie

I pray you are correct Maggie.

Mountain Grasshopper
Mountain Grasshopper
4 years ago

waiting to the last minute to save the Republic is not a very good plan ………

gail jansen
gail jansen
4 years ago

Even if President Trump does exercise his military option on December 18th, we need to be able to take care of ourselves and our communities. When POTUS moves, if he moves, chaos will hit the rest of us like a stone wall because the military will be focused on specific objectives, such as arrests and continuity of government. Clearly we are facing circumstances we are not and cannot be fully prepared for. As a woman, I would suggest that other women think about this in terms of what a woman can offer to the situation which stops the ego issue from destroying our efforts In this circumstance, women have the innate ability to keep a group going. We can fight, yes; but we can also console with an eye to keep everyone together. Everyday I thank Jesus for the blessing of living in the US. I have known this war was coming for the last decade and have been preparing . Now it is on the other side of the door. Hope to see you all in the arena or when we see Jesus.