Q: Why didn't you fight, Daddy?
— Matt Bracken (@Matt_Bracken48) January 27, 2024
A: Well, honey, they called me a racist and said I might lose my job. pic.twitter.com/HDsBOaknho
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It’s a fed trap, I am afraid of being arrested and on and on. At some point maybe when they are at our door we will either surrender or fight.
When the guy leading your movement is WEF, and you know it, but still support him….. Cognitive dissonance.
Don’t need any.
Just when will the excuses run dry? Abbot stated his constitutional authority.
Sun Zhu had some thoughts about this:
He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight.
“Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
Walking into an open internet plan seems less than a surprise to anybody.
“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.”
Waiting at home until they attack you as a known enemy seems unwise.
Plenty more real-world wisdom about warfare in that little book.
Sun Tzu
Only a few here truly get it, the spiritual side of sun Tzu aligns with much.
i bumped you up a notch, but expect more to the negative.
That word Racist the liberal dimwit demon-rats use has become meaningless and any white person who stops dead in their tracks when some black or some other low I.Q. moron calls them that, then that white person has a lower I.Q. then the ones calling them that meaningless word. I have been called a racist so many times I just laugh in their face and turn it back on them and sometimes they walk away, or they become indignant and that’s when I really go after them.
When they come for my guns, I’ll show ’em. Bring it on! The Feds brought it to Waco, Ruby Ridge, the Covenant Sword and Arm of the Lord, Gordon Baum, Robert DePugh, etc. You’ll lose. Don’t go with the manipulated crowd. Don’t wait at home. Figure it out. Only a few other choices. You can do it.
Odd that Bracken didn’t call this a “Buffalo Jump” like both Charlottesville and Jan 6th.
Would like to hear the rest of his posting as he’s not known for brevity.
Does Bracken have children?
Hate it. That use of children to guilt a person into what the world wants. Either side!!
My children know. My children are also Praying prepping and aware of what the world is up too!
Many of us are, have been, and continue to fight. The world hates this, does not recognize this. Teaching our children to fight is also part of this!! Many of us are fulfilling our jobs and our obligations daily!
To know one in particular. To the worldly ones. You can call me a racist a coward etc. Obviously you do not know me nor recognize me, you allow your fears to govern you and your knee jerk reactions are based in lies and in fear. What does this say about you and the people who silently go along to get along like lap dogs, there by supporting you?
The worldly majority does not win.
And not get busted over it. A win, win for a politician.
ID Real Threats from keyboard patriots. Those that will really go to the “action”.
You appear to be arguing in favor of doing nothing, because fear?
Fear is their main weapon.
No, I am suggesting BRAINS might need to be engaged.
A KNOWN BULLY Provoking you into a fight has PLANS to meet you with vastly superior firepower.
Sun Tzu might have a few dozen battle proven quotes about that.
The first rule of surviving any disaster is: don’t be there.
“Why didn’t you fight, daddy?” Fighting and resisting an evil tyranny is a good, noble and righteous thing. However, it should be done at a place, at a time, and under conditions of the warrior’s own choosing. Daddies need to survive and finish raising their children. So never fight the enemy on his terms; force him to fight on your terms.