Current Avg.$4.955$5.303$5.595$5.719$4.286
Yesterday Avg.$4.919$5.263$5.554$5.684$4.225
Week Ago Avg.$4.671$5.033$5.325$5.538$4.026
Month Ago Avg.$4.317$4.678$4.965$5.539$3.738
Year Ago Avg.$3.060$3.400$3.672$3.201$2.564

The price of gas has increased over 6% in the past week. This means an inflation rate of 316% but we all know this cannot continue for much longer. The inflation rate from one year ago is 61.9%.

The rate of inflation does not matter for the price of baby formula since it is not available. At least the people near the southern border can purchase baby formula in Mexico. Although the nation’s debt is over $31 trillion, the “government” can still print money and promote war in Ukraine. The cost of diversions to this regime: priceless.

David DeGerolamo

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tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

This has all been done according to their plan, we are in a war that is one sided at this time. We will keep getting what we are getting until we stand and fight.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

June 8, 10:00 AM, Central time, the price of WTI is $121.00 per barrel. Gasoline futures is $4.16 per gallon. Locally, you would have to add tax and profit margins to figure your price at the pump.

enn ess
enn ess
2 years ago

Latest was the raise in fuel prices here, 50% in the last 6 months for diesel, off-road, with an equal 50% raise in the tax rate. Apparently the gov thinks he can just raise it without legislative approval. Silly bastard.
Now at $6.39, a $.70 cent raise in the last week. Managed to plant a crop this spring, but with the price it will rot in the field, harvest costs more than the crop is worth. Think about that next time your cooks and housekeepers report empty shelves there comrade poopypants.
Inquiring minds wanna know, if people can’t afford to put fuel in their cars from fossil fuels (there is no such thing as fossil fuels), how are they supposed to just go out and buy a lectric car at $40-60 grand? Their trade in won’t be worth scrap metal prices cause they can’t be sold.
And after all those new lectric cars, 2 million of em, get plugged into the grid, whats gonna happen to the grid if you’re already worried about blackouts and brownouts because of lack of generation capacity. And how about all the fossil fuels trucks being replaced by lectric versions, that can’t be built, and those that are with a range of about 40-100 miles, and plug them in as well? And how about all those lectric farm tractors that haven’t been built or perfected yet? Cause there ain’t enough lectric to run it all. Which half of the country do you plan on covering with solar panels (everything goes dark at night) and how many species of birds do you plan on eliminating cause of your windmills now mr. reject from the dimwits-R-us toy brain store.
Michigan mothballs a nuclear plant, one of the largest refineries in Texas will shut down soon due to excessive costs to refurbish, other refineries at idle & lower capacity due to decreased demand due to lockdowns. Zero plans for more nuclear plants. Guess it’s just load the grid up till it implodes and then what? Blame it on Trump of course, or the republitards,(not that they don’t deserve the raking over the coals).
But, there is a bright spot. The Sun will rise in the East, unless gommermint says it does, then it’s not believable either. I don’t believe a word coming out of their pie holes. Not a single word. Wake up in the morning, and what you get is what you get.
And I don’t give a f**k, it ain’t 40 below, don’t need no stinking heater in the truck and it ain’t a real rodeo, it’s just a shithsow. Ya’ll have a good day as possible now. Tomorrow’s gonna be another day, until it ain’t.

2 years ago

The only thing Xao BuyDem (Quid Pro Joe) has made go down in price is: