NC Listen – Poverty Law Center sues to help illegals hurt poor citizens

Concerned Citizens and Immigration Reformers,

The race-based Southern Poverty Law Center, who pretends to care about and help poor citizens, has sued Wake County in North Carolina because the county (according to the Law Center) is breaking federal law by not providing enough translation services to Hispanic students (one half of which are dependents of illegal immigrants).  What about the federal laws that state one cannot cross our borders illegally, use social services that don’t belong to them, and steal the identity of citizens in violation of the law, among other laws being broken by illegals?  Not to mention that illegals hurt poor Americans by using special and expensive educational services and programs that should be going to improve the educational level of the children of poor citizens.

One would think the Southern “Poverty” “Law” Center would be more concerned about the poverty of citizens and the rule of law, given their organizational name.   The Southern Poverty Law Center is attempting to have its way by pressing for a cutoff of federal education funds, should Wake lose in court.  Which begs the other question, why should we have to give our tax dollars to the federal government to fund the Department of Education in the first place and then have to beg for our own money back to be used in our local schools?

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Ron Woodard

Ofc: (919) 460-8156   

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12 years ago

The SPLC tends to be rather selective when it comes to which laws, or even which civil rights, it chooses to defend.

The bottom line at the SPLC is always the bottom line. Their public relations guru, Mark Potok, will say whatever he needs to say to agitate their self-identified Liberal donor base (SPLC Founder Morris Dees created his main donor database from working on the McGovern, Carter, Kennedy and Hart presidential campaigns. That gave him a list of millions of Liberal donors that has only expanded over the years.)

Potok’s efforts pay off, though, as the SPLC now takes in more than $106,000 donor dollars each and every day… that’s more than $4,400 an hour. That figure doesn’t include the tens of millions of tax-free interest generated by the SPLC’s quarter BILLION dollar cash reserve.

Ironically, NOT ONE of this self-described civil rights group’s top executives is a minority and certainly not an immigrant.

In fact, Mr. Dees has NEVER hired a person of color to a highly paid position of authority in the SPLC’s entire 41-year history.

Even the Center’s laughably named “Teaching Tolerance” program, which purports to promote diversity in the K-12 classroom has been helmed by “whites only” for 20 of its 21 years.

What would the donors say (cognitive dissonance aside) if they knew? Currently, a $100 dollar donation to the SPLC would keep the doors open for just under 80 seconds. What could local food banks, Women’s shelters and free clinics do with the same hundred dollars?