As North Carolina lawmakers debated a proposal to prevent charter schools from discriminating against applicants based on sexual orientation, one representative suggested Tuesday that adult sexual attraction to children is a sexual orientation like homosexuality.
The amendment was tabled by Republicans, preventing a vote on it. But during the debate, Republican Rep. Paul Stam, R-Wake, said pedophilia, masochism and other illegal sexual practices are sexual orientations like homosexuality and he questioned the role adults who are sexually attracted to children might have in schools.
Several lawmakers called those comments offensive. After the House session, Twitter lit up with criticism of Stam’s comments from other lawmakers and left-leaning advocacy groups.
The amendment from Rep. Susan Fisher, D-Buncombe, would “prohibit a charter school from discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.”
In response, Stam handed out a sheet listing what he said were 30 different sexual orientations. He argued the definition of sexual orientation must be narrowed, otherwise it would include masochism, sadism, pedophilia, along with homosexuality and heterosexuality.
It looks like North Carolina is starting to learn who Skippy really is. Let’s hope that his assumed ascension to replace Thom Tillis is now where it belongs: in the trash.
David DeGerolamo
The core problem here is progressive suppression of the right of individuals to discriminate against behaviors and practices they perceive to be offensive.
The term “sexual orientation” is neutral … it is neither approving nor disparaging. Certain sexual behaviors and practices are tolerated by society and others are prohibited.
The source of the tolerance (enlightened liberalism) or prohibition (regressive conservativism) is nearly irrelevant in the absence of state coercion.
In a culture that embraces “Liberty of Contract”, private schools would be free to hire according to standards of acceptability established by their customers and directors. End of discussion.
In the absence of state coercion, parents would be free to move their children toward or away from the environments and behaviors they desire their children to accept or shun.
Liberty of Contract … the right to discriminate … essential to a free people.