NC lawmakers bar LGBT protections against discrimination

A proposal that codifies a statewide nondiscrimination policy in employment and public accommodations and prohibits North Carolina cities or towns from enacting stricter guidelines cleared the General Assembly in less than nine hours Wednesday.

All Democratic members of the Senate walked out of the chamber in protest Wednesday evening, leading to a 32-0 vote.



It is clear who the Democrat party supports in this state and it is not God. Also keep in mind which businesses supported this measure and are showing their “disappointment” for North Carolina making a stand for morality: Red Hat, Biogen and Dow Chemical.

David DeGerolamo

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Mark Pugner
8 years ago

“It is clear who the Democrat party supports in this state and it is not God.” David, why do you always go to “God” when you post about homosexuals? I’ve never read anywhere in the Bible that God loves all sinners, except homosexuals. I HAVE read in the Bible where ALL sinners are equal. “Who can say, I have made my heart clean, I am pure from sin?” “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” “These things I command you, that ye love one another.” “And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

Granted, most homosexuals have been forced away from God by self righteous pastors. But there are some who refuse to be preached hate, love God and repent their sins. Your hate for homosexuals harbors on obsession.

I Corinthians 16, 17-20
Galatians 3, 28
Ephesians 2, 11-20
Colossians 3, 11
Revelations 3, 20
Job 33, 27-28
Proverbs 20, 9; and 6, 19
Isaiah 44, 24
Jeremiah 24, 7
Matthew 5, 11-12