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- Big Ruckus D on EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy / Vice-President of the European Commission
- Counterstrike on EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy / Vice-President of the European Commission
- Mary Combs on $52 Billion a Year from Social Security to Dead People
- 173dVietVet on $52 Billion a Year from Social Security to Dead People
- Magrit on EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy / Vice-President of the European Commission
How about we just do away with any ballot not cast in person period?
Nothing wrong with applied for and granted absentee ballots. Sometimes a business trip, etc. prevents one from voting in person. But those numbers are SMALL, and what happened in 2020 and 2022 was simply ABUSE and CRIMINALITY, nothing less. Here’s another thought. Take away 99% of government’s power over everyone’s lives, money, property, etc. and who gets elected will not truly matter to anyone. Problem solved, and EVERYONE wins…except those that purchase our government to improve THEIR lot while the rest of us suffer.
Amen brother! We’re fighting the wrong fight! Why worry about selecting forthright and moral representation? Make their impact minimal, so it doesn’t matter!
Make election day a National Holiday. Conservatives would get off of work and most voting democratic would already be off. Everybody votes the same day and in person. Votes all tallied by midnight. Voting should be a priority. The military would have special early voting, so theirs would be in by election day.
The idiot asked the other idiot in the news media what changed, this one is a Schmuck, what changed, she asks, its voter fraud by cooper and his corrupted communist party is what changed. What a moronic idiot both of these useful communist democrats are.
WRAL had Jessie Helms as a commenter after the news decades ago, before he became a Republic Senator.
DemocRats now rule at CNNWRAL. That’s progreSSing for you.
DemocRats are Marxist Seditionist Maggot Traitors, Any questions???
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