NC Governor Pat McCrory vetoed H786- Reclaim NC Act, which was passed by the NC House and Senate.
H786 would gut our current E-verify laws and allow nearly every illegal alien in NC to be exempt from the E-verify requirements of employment, by redefining who an “employee” is.
House Speaker Thom Tillis is planning a veto override vote as early as September 4th.
Federal law unequivocally prohibits hiring illegal aliens (see 8 U.S.C. 1324a). A pattern or practice of violating this law is a federal crime. E-Verify only ensures that employers obey the law.
Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 already provides a pathway for businesses to acquire foreign workers. So why are the businesses reluctant to comply with the current laws?
In a taped veto message, Gov. McCrory said “This law was originally designed to help our farmers but what was created was a loophole big enough to drive a truck through that many businesses can abuse through the state at the expense of our North Carolina workers. This legislation is unfair to legal North Carolina residents and employers who are working hard to follow the law.”
Condoning lawlessness is unacceptable. We call on every Legislator to vote “NO” on the override attempt of H786- Reclaim NC Act.
James Johnson
North Carolinians For Immigration Reform and Enforcement
cell # 910-286-3022
Ron Woodard
Director- NC LISTEN
Ofc: (919) 460-8156
e verify is a threat to liberty