NC Listen – stop illegals from getting NC driver’s licenses

Concerned Citizens and Immigration Reformers,

The illegal alien immigrants and their handlers and race-based organizations are at it again.  They are pressing the North Carolina Attorney General’s office to make a ruling to allow illegal immigrants to acquire a NC driver’s license, not only to drive to but to masquerade as legal residents.

TAKE ACTION —— see below

President Obama, through his unconstitutional and unlawful DACA amnesty to over one million illegal immigrants last fall, granted them a reprieve from being deported for two years.  As bad as this temporary amnesty is, it is not legalization.  But the illegals under DACA are attempting to get NC driver’s licenses.  Our NC DMV is asking NC Attorney General Roy Cooper to issue a ruling on this matter.

Ten of our own Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents find Obama’s actions so disgusting they have filed suit (an injunction against the directive) against DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano and ICE Director John Morton saying Obama’s executive order violates federal immigration laws.  It’s pretty sad when federal ICE agents have to sue because the President of the United States is breaking our own immigration laws.  

ACTION to take:

You can call AG Roy Cooper’s office at (919) 716-6400  or go to this weblink  and email him (remember to put “comment to Atty Gen Roy Cooper” in the Subject Line as you email him.

Tell North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper that illegal immigrants under President Obama’s DACA order should NOT be allowed to acquire a NC driver’s license.  President Obama’s DACA reprieve from deportation that he has unlawfully given to certain illegal immigrants does not give them legalization.  Ten ICE agents have filed an injunction against Janet Napolitano and ICE Director John Morton concerning this matter, because they believe they are being asked to violate federal immigration laws as a result of President Obama’s executive order.  The State of North Carolina should not grant NC driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants and as a consequece become an accomplice in breaking federal immigration laws.  And why would we want to help illegal immigrants be able to drive to a job that belongs to unemployed citizens?  A driver’s license is a state matter, not a federal matter.

Thank you for taking action……

Send this to your friends and associates.


Ron Woodard
(919) 460-8156

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Disgusted Patriot
Disgusted Patriot
12 years ago

Racist bastards. How about we stop YOU from getting a Drivers License? You’re just as illegal as they are in point of fact. This site is run by fucked up brain-dead monkeys. Xenophobic asswipes.

12 years ago

Be careful what you say, or your words will come back to haunt you. I am certain you would not be so upity, were we face to face… yet you fools keep pushing to bring such a day to our nation. You have been warned

Brown Pride
Brown Pride
12 years ago

Wow! Anyone who is unemployed in the United States is so because they want to! I mean how does an illegal immigrant who does not know the language and has only a couple years of basic schooling “take” “your” jobs? That makes you all sound quit idiotic don’t you think? Stop whining look at the facts! You are all pathetic let the President do his job, that is why he is the President of the United States. Obviously you don’t have what it takes to be the president and thats why you are not!

God bless you and the other racist souls, I will be praying for your enlightment and your braind dead condition^.

-Daughter of former illegal immigrants ( now proud business owners ).
-College student (3rd year)
-Employed worker (Making well over $50,000 a year already!)


P.s. goes to show you what hard work can do!

America = Nation of Immigrants
America = Nation of Immigrants
12 years ago

Today’s news: HAHAHAHA! Justice prevails!

12 years ago

Issuing drivers’ Licenses or any other legal acknowlegement of “residency” to illegal aliens by the state of NC is a violation of our law, and constitutes accessory to theft from the public trust by said criminals, and therefore must not be permitted under any circumstance.

Do not violate your oath of office by giving these unlawful residents the keys by which to violate the safety of our streets, and the stability of our treasury through unlawful distribution of public benefits.

As with so many other issues, we are a state, and a nation on edge -- there are too many who, if they shall not receive satisfaction through lawful means, shall take it by force in the streets. But such unregulated action will not bring justice for our lawful citizens, or for those whose presence here is not lawful.

Please be dilligent in upholding the law and giving the service you have sworn to the [lawful] citizens of our great state.

Great Granddaughter of immigrants
Great Granddaughter of immigrants
12 years ago

Mr. Woodard- While I support free speech, there are many flaws in your arguments. I think that you are either extremely uneducated about the topic you are speaking on, or you are trying to push and agenda that you don’t actually believe but somehow serves your needs for whatever reason. But the bottom line is that residents of NC that have been granted Deferred Action are not “illegals” even if by some definition they ever were.

Ron Woodard
Ron Woodard
12 years ago

What are the flaws in my argument? By the way, our own government says the DACA folks are only granted a reprieve from deportation, they don’t have legal status. Calling someone uneducated because you don’t agree with them and providing no arguments of your own would suggest you are the one who is ignorant of our laws and the consequences of illegal immigration. The United Nations even says each nation has the right to control their borders. The USA is a generous nation with legal immigration……allowing more legal immigrants to our nation than any other. So why should we apologize for asking people to obey our laws?


[…] NC Listen -- stop illegals from getting NC driver’s licenses ( […]