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- Noway2 on Asheville
- Diva of Dance on Asheville
- kal kal on Seal Team Six
- kal kal on Seal Team Six
- kal kal on A Simple Truth
Photo Op???? As people are suffering and dying!
You Will Answer To God For All Your Evil Doings!
Wow. Just when you thought they were as low as one could go, they go even lower. Our gov’t and our military are so corrupt.
it was a guard guy that was the whistleblower, so not all the military are on the other side of the fence.
A complete and total replacement of the criminal politicians, and all of those who claim to be ‘just following orders’.
I am in the middle of watching this movie entitled, “Goebbels and the Führer.” --and this post (meaning this Harris phony photo op) is right out of the Goebbels propaganda playbook. In fact I would suggest everyone watch this movie--it is a lesson in manipulation and propaganda techniques currently used today.
FYI--the Communist-Democratic-Party (CDP from here out) is outclassing whatever Goebbels could ever dream of with his limited media (radio, movies, newspapers). Today you have a total control society where everything you do, everywhere you go, everything you purchase is carefully tracked--by these things called cell phones. In fact YOU PAY out of pocket for total control, something Goebbels could never ever dream of.
I want to see those instagram messages. Only the devil and his minions could be capable of this level of hatred. Honestly, how evil would your soul have to be to do something like this? It’s over the top evil. I need to see proof.
No one is lying. How many cargo planes get loaded inside a hangar? Kommie-la-la wanted a photo op so a disabled C17 was quickly loaded with rescue supplies. That particular plane did not deliver the supplies because of needed repairs. The supplies were transferred to another plane and subsequently delivered the next day. I’m not military so forgive me my ignorance of terminology. When the dispatcher was asked when the C17 in the photo op was sent to deliver the supplies, he correctly said it didn’t—but the supplies were delivered the next day in a different aircraft according to the flight log. Maybe the dispatcher didn’t tell the whole story or maybe the one asking the question decided to withhold the complete truth because accusing honorable men of deceit makes for a better story.