Senator Brunstetter recently responded, to complaints that Senate Bill 124 would emasculate the Castle Doctrine by writing, “I strongly support the Castle Doctrine and Second Amendment Rights. Senate Bill 124 does not change the Castle Doctrine in North Carolina. This bill goes against the criminal and not against the gun.” Really?
From Randy’s Right III …
Let’s read this together:
SECTION 1. Article 8 of Chapter 14 of the General Statutes is amended by adding a new section to read:
Ҥ 14-34.10. Discharge firearm within enclosure to do harm or incite fear.
Unless covered under some other provision of law providing greater punishment, any person who willfully or wantonly discharges or attempts to discharge a firearm within any building, structure, motor vehicle, or other conveyance, erection, or enclosure with the intent to do harm or incite fear shall be punished as a Class E felon.”
NOW, I DISCHARGE MY WEAPON IN MY HOME TO REPEL A BURGLAR, HOW AM I NOT COVERED BY THIS LAW? 1. ” Willfully discharge.” I pull the trigger and that IS a willfull discharge. 2. “Any building”. I believe my home would qualify as, ” any building”. 3. “Intent to do harm”. If someone is in my home and attempting to commit a property crime or do me or my family harm, I would certainly intend to “harm” them.
Now please tell me again how this wouldn’t apply to me but to some knucklehead in Walmart trying to commit suicide???? Do you folks in Raleigh really think your constituents are that dumb!
Randy’s Right III
An Open Letter to the Senator
Senator Brunstetter,
Leave the Castle Doctrine ALONE!!! I no longer vote in national elections because the politicians at that level have proven themselves to have abandoned the Constitution. In my simple mind their doing so has rendered them an illegitimate and rogue government and their laws, those that do not conform to the Constitution, have no binding effect. However, I do recognize they have plenty of guns and cages to demand compliance; at least for the present. Local and state politicians, however, are closer at hand and do not have the same lock on power enjoyed by those in Washington, so I have not given up in that arena. Neither do I see the same degree of corruption at the state and local level, although that’s changing rapidly.
Again, I’m a simple man. But I do know that words mean things and I do know how to read. The Second Amendment is quite clear. Neither you, sir, nor any or all the politicians ever living or now dead, any law ‘enforcement’ officer or magistrate, or any other being have the authority to infringe upon my natural right to protect myself, my family, and my community nor do you have the right to infringe on my Constitutional right to keep and bear. Those rights were bestowed on me by my Creator whom I do believe has a higher pay grade than any mortal ‘lawmaker’.
The word – Infringe 1) to violate or go beyond the limits of (a law for example). 2) To defeat, invalidate; to encroach upon something.
The phrase – … shall not be infringed …
Any law that regulates or limits my natural right to protect me and mine or my Constitutional right to keep and bear arms is by its very nature, and by Supreme Court decision, null and void on its face. Certainly, as I mentioned earlier, the ‘state’ has minions and cages to enforce its dictates on the citizen, so long as the citizen fears the state and is willing to acquiesce; so long as the citizen is willing to live under tyranny. Certainly, you are also aware that the Founders gave us the Second Amendment to allow the People to protect themselves not from criminals – such is a natural right that needs no recognition beyond mere common sense – but from tyrants; tyrants of the sort that would attempt to limit our natural and Constitutional rights.
Governments have a long history of using the force of violence to attain their ends. They maintain cadres of uniformed servants to harass the People and eat out their sustenance. They maintain cages to restrain not only those who are genuine criminals – those who do harm to others – but also those who resist their abuses of power. We the People will bear petty injustice as long as it is bearable. When it becomes unbearable … But then, I guess, that is why our government is so anxious to disarm We the People. That said, I doubt We the People will go gently.
Senator, you would not be a Senator if you were an ignorant man. I trust you have studied history. You, in a small way, and I, in a yet smaller way, are helping to make history in our day. I have three children and three grandchildren as I write this. I pledge to you today that I will do anything and everything morally and legally (i.e. legally as per Natural Law and Constitutional Law, not necessarily statutory law) possible to ensure that my progeny live in a free Republic. I have a great grandfather that fought the Redcoats in the first war for independence and another great grandfather who fought in the Army of Northern Virginia in the second war for independence. All things considered, I’d rather not see a third. But if it comes, my family honor will demand I do no less. I hope we are of one mind in this.
My question for you today: Will you honor your oath to protect and defend the Constitution and stand with We the People? Or, will you side with tyranny? The time has come to make that choice and to make it very clear. You could begin by killing Senate Bill 124.
With all due respect,
Bob Lightner
Walnut Cove, NC