NC Strikes Down Jim Crow Gun Law

Last week, lawmakers in North Carolina voted to abolish a Jim Crow era gun law that required gun owners in Durham County to register their guns with the county.

Jim Crow gun laws like this one are a reminder of the racist roots of gun control — something liberals and gun grabbers don’t want you know about. Many state and county gun laws that are still in effect today were originally passed to keep guns out of the hands of blacks.

This kept happening long after Jim Crow. In California in the 1960s, the Mulford Act (which was supported by the NRA) was passed out of fear of the Black Panther movement.


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10 years ago

” this law is a reminder of how the government uses gun registration to keep weapons away from anyone who might oppose it. Jim Crow gun laws had nothing to do with crime and everything to do with consolidating the government’s power.”

Agreed. Anyone who thinks that “this time is different” is ignorant and foolish. Gun Control is *always* about power and control.

Resist, by any means necessary…