NC Voter ID gutted today after Soros-funded effort

“Late today, in a stunning betrayal of every NC voter who fought hard for  “real voter ID,” our House and Senate completely gutted the voter ID law by allowing any voter to sign an unenforceable affidavit, attesting to their name, and by allowing any voter, of any age, to use an expired driver license for voter ID, despite clear evidence and media accounts of the thousands of DMV customers in late 2005 and early 2006 who flooded their offices for driver licenses before the proof of citizenship was required. This must not stand. Our last hope now lies in the mercy of God Almighty and the hands of people who elected a reform-minded super majority to both chambers in 2012.”

Urgent Action Steps 

1-Pray to our Lord that the spirit of fear will not conquer North Carolina as it has so many other governmental entities lately.

2-Quickly melt the Governor’s phone lines to demand his veto of HB 836. His phone numbers are 800.662.7952 and 919.814.2050. He could sign the bill right away, so please take this action immediately.

3-Call your State Senators or Representatives and demand they remove Section 8 from HB 836 after the Governor vetoes it. They did this in the last 20 minutes of the session and then left town until Monday, so you will need to reach them in their home districts. Click here to find your elected House and Senate members.

Disgusting Details

Beginning on Page 6, line 33 of this conference committee legislation, NC lawmakers stripped all authority from county election boards to reject the provisional ballot of any voter who signs an toothless document, called a “reasonable impediment declaration,” and produces an official looking piece of paper with the voter’s alleged name and address on it.

Page 7, Line 22 guts the rules preventing expired driver licenses in voting.

At the 1:17:30 mark on this house audio recording of today’s session, Rep David Lewis announces the measure originated by Sen. Angela Bryant (D-Rocky Mount), a vocal opponent of voter ID from the beginning.

Not content with winning, Rep Glazier 1:22:20 began a series of questions to Rep Lewis that made more detailed demands to negate enforcement. Lewis caved on every added loophole that Rep Glazier could muster. (We congratulate him on keeping a straight face.)

Later in the audio, Rep Lewis admitted his party’s surrender was a direct result of the Soros-backed Democracy NC’s well-funded coordinated statewide effort over the past two weeks to demand unenforceable affidavits for people who couldn’t be bothered to obey the new voter ID laws.

URL to our website version of this alert

Voter Integrity Project is still facing large legal expenses, because of the threat our solid research has been to opponents of open & honest elections. To date, we’ve accumulated more than $15,000 in legal expenses . . . and the North Carolina’s “trial of the century” is still several weeks away. Jay has given a deposition and both he and John Pizzo may have to testify, explaining VIP’s devastating findings. So any contributions you could sacrifice for the cause would be deeply appreciated!


VIP County Teams
Buncombe & Henderson County Teams
VIP is a statewide team of volunteers with a mission “to restore trust in the democratic process through the analysis, detection and prevention of vote fraud.”
Just like a political contribution, your support is NOT tax-deductible; but unlike political contributions, there are no limits and no campaign reporting requirements. Fact is, we don’t support any politicians, so we can even accept cash! All gifts go for operations and legal fees. None of it pays salaries.
Please click if you have questions, concerns or a media query.
For the entire team,
Jay DeLancy


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9 years ago

This is a total disgrace and a slap in the face of every conservative voter who elected these fools into office. Does anyone see, these idiot morons are acting just like Bohener and his leadership in the Congress. these fools are listening to the wrong people and drinking the kool air from the bolshevik demon-rats, and there media operative outlets. These communist Bolsheviks are pulling there strings and these fools are going along with them, they are being set up for a fall , just like the Moron Boehner is in 2016 along with the entire republican party. the demon-rats are playing them at there own game and they are not even one bit aware of it, these disgusting vile people want to be loved by the demon-rats and there media mouth pieces instead of by the ones who voted them in. Our leaders are not listening to there constituents who put them in power and there will be a heavy price to pay for there betrayal of every Conservative voter. These people make me sick and they pulled the stunt on the gun bill, another large betrayal. it seems lie we have bolshevik republicans sitting on these committees now or are they really demon-rats in disguise.