I support James Johnson and his work at NCFire. The reason you do not see more information or posts concerning this organization is at his request. I had reposted one of his emails years ago and the links were converted to URLS to a porn site on my email notifications for the new article. His reasoning would have been sound if I had pasted the links in the post but I did not.

This was not the first time this had happened. I had received an email from someone earlier concerning the same issue on another email blast. Although I knew that I was not responsible, I did check both of my articles and the links were correct as I wanted to understand how this happened.

I can only conjecture that the FBI had a good laugh at this attempt to defame me and this site. The “fix” for this issue was to switch from GoDaddy to a new provider. While I understand the logic of Mr. Johnson’s request, I must admit my disappointment since I had worked and supported NCFire for years.

David DeGerolamo

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1 year ago

Sorry to hear about this. Not trying to spread the word about this organization, in my view, is against saving children. Perhaps, Johnson was caught between a rock and a hard place. Who really can know? I always share this organization wherever people will listen.

1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I agree. Thank you for exposing what needs to be exposed.