If you have subscribed to NCRenegade in the past, you probably have not been getting articles lately. Although I can find nothing wrong with the WordPress plugin, it appears that Google has not been sending anything out to subscribers. Including me.
I have switched to a new subscription plugin and updated the link on the right menu. Please subscribe using the new service.
If you are still receiving your subscriptions, then do not resubscribe. The final straw was when I stopped receiving emails.
David DeGerolamo
I’ve been getting mine every day, but I re-subscribed anyway.
If you receive two notices, unsubscribe from one.
I’ll re-subscribe -- but have been getting several emails a day telling me about your new posts!
How do we know this is real? I have been getting all the posts.
Use an RSS feed reader to browse new content from your favorite web sites.
Many are free for the download and integrate into your browser or email client.
Works fine on NCRenegade.com … no subscription or server-side plug-in required.
I tried to resubscribe, but was informed that I am suspose to be getting the e-mail already
If you are not receiving the subscription now, let me know and I will remove your name from the list. That will allow you to resubscribe. Can anyone explain why WordPress is a Rax/Google/Feedburner account without any cross correlation information?