Near-clash of Israeli-Russian planes over Syria

Western and Middle Eastern military sources monitoring the war in Syria, and networks monitoring Russian air force flights in the country, reported Wednesday afternoon that there was almost a clash earlier in the day between four Israeli F-15 fighters and two Russian Su-30 jets.

The sources report that the Israeli warplanes, flying from the direction of the Mediterranean, approached Russia’s Hmeimim airbase near the Syrian city of Latakia. The Russian command, which apparently feared that the Israeli planes would fly over the base, scrambled two of their fighters that specialize in dogfights.

DEBKAfile’s military sources point out that Russia has deployed its advanced S-300 and S-400 antiaircraft missile batteries at the base.

The sources report that after a short time in which there was concern that a confrontation between the Russian and Israeli air forces was about to occur, both groups of jets turned back. The Su-30s returned to the base, and the F-15s continued their flight.

Operators of networks monitoring air traffic in Syrian airspace and in the eastern Mediterranean say that according to the messages sent out by both sides there was serious concern over an exchange of fire between the Russians and the Israelis.


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