Neighbors recount the substation attack; Photos show bullet holes in Moore County substation

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Berserker Screed
2 years ago

“Someone with knowledge of the power grid… ”

20-30 shots but he didn’t call pigs, grab his own and investigate the substation across the street from his shop…
Looks like Zionist hyperbole, gotta get guns from whitey, gotta stack sub Humans into cities AGENDA 21/ 2030 😁
Tuck with the grid for Unkle Schlomo…

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
2 years ago

20 shots and the only thing they show is a tiny hole in a piece of what looks to be corrugated tin, and that is out of context. I don’t see any tin or item with similar texture in the wide shot.

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
2 years ago

Didn’t catch the yanuka at the end there…..watching also….

2 years ago

Oddly the State Controlled media hasn’t made mention of what caliber used, the alphabet agency has no leads as they normally do with their orchestrated false flag attacks. Things that make you go hmmm…..

2 years ago

That small hole took out a power station to the point it’s not reparable? I’m dubious.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rob

All the bullet has to do is penetrate the coil and bridge the coil windings and change impedence of the transformer sudden and all those eddie currents go berzerk

Last edited 2 years ago by kevsh
2 years ago

I’m surprised these clowns have not used tannerite to damage these substations. It is fairly easy to Acquire.