Neil Oliver: I stand firmly with the Canadian pilgrims in their trucks

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tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

The prisoners of war in the DC gulag, are guilty until they confess there crimes. They have set a precedent in our country that will control the narrative of future arrests of patriots across the country. They are arresting citizens in NYC that will not show their papers. And still, we wait why? The truckers showed us the way, let us follow their example.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

I have recently found out that I need to run my comments by someone other than the administrator to fact check them before release, anybody else getting this?

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

I hope this meets with his approval, I did not run it by him first.

3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

I have left this place, bc “they” are seeming like the people we speak of…the ones controlling the narrative. Usong companies like owners of this site we are on now. W.ord Pres.. owned by Woo commerce.
Plus, once SP1 mentioned them and said ” i don’t know how they are still up and running” lol
It made me think about that comment.. Everyone has been cool here, but seems like same old stuff for over a decade++
Don’t care who is watching, i lobe this country, and she’s worth fighting you evil NWO natzi over. 💪🇺🇲

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

FedUp, I was being sarcastic, about another person on this site. Nothing to do with the people who run it, this is still one of the free sites left. The administrator, at great personal expense and attacks from all directions has kept this going, Kudos to him.

3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

That’s insane! If that’s true, I’m glad im gone was my point in other comment.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

Please come back miss your comments.

strider 777
strider 777
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley


3 years ago
Reply to  strider 777

We have been quite a pathetic enemy for them… sad!

3 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

Hello fed-upFL man, also fed-up. had a long chat with a local who said FL is not the place he grew up and wants to relocate. he is now a good friend. where can a freedom fighter find his tribe? how can we communicate?

strider 777
strider 777
3 years ago

Covid-19 has not conquered America, yet. But it sure is beginning to look like Coward-19 might do it. When do we rise and fight the good fight for freedom?

3 years ago

Hey David and Wes,
Hopefully you can access my email address from here. Based on my new circumstances the wife and I are planning on relocay to NC in the next couple of months. My family was originally from there and some still reside there. I’d like to ask you both for some advice if you have a minute.

Thank you for everything,

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago

a comment
 7 hours ago
The prisoners of war in the DC gulag, are guilty until they confess there crimes. They have set a precedent in our country that will control the narrative of future arrests of patriots across the country. They are arresting citizens in NYC that will not show their papers. And still, we wait why? The truckers showed us the way, let us follow their example.

And i thought while driving to lunch, Hey these guys are actually getting it. We have a war on many fronts, pick a battle and become engaged. There are many fronts to fight on,
Then we are not merely ‘waiting’ for the shooting to begin. We are not waiting for the blood bath to ensue. 
You see the watchmen sound the horn and wake up as many as humanly possible before the shooting begins. Yah willing, Every day we see more light being shed in a variety of places. Is this not important? Or is this , finding and revealing facts mere weakness as many are accusing?
i can look at myself in the mirror every day and know i am doing and saying what needs to be said.
All i see daily is stats and numbers and deadlines and figures i do not know what to believe. i see pictures and stories i do not know what to believe. i see constant headlines dates and date setters, Three weeks ago i saw i had only two more weeks to prepare! Contradictions and chaos on all fronts. Cut up the middle of all this madness and divide the evil reveal it!

  1. Foil the opponent’s plans and intentions before commencing physical battle.
  2. People who think that there is only one way to fight have already given up!

i will follow my gut as others recommend, because in Truth that is Yahusha His voice and my King and My God above all of this ‘worldly’ madness!