Neil Oliver STUNNED as Dutch Official Reveals Covid-19 Was ‘MILITARY Operation’ in SHOCK Admission

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3 months ago

I recall during 2020 that I read an article that was charting the COVID spread, country by country, in real time.
Of note was the astounding (and statistically impossible) observation that 18 countries identified their index (first known) cases on the same day.
The only common characteristic of these countries was the presence of U.S. military bases in 18/18.
Conclusion: Our very own military released the contagion, on orders, on schedule.
What a “shining city upon a hill” are These United States!

3 months ago
Reply to  TakeAHardLook

Sad to say maybe the Iranians are correct. The American Government IS the “Great Satan”.

2 months ago
Reply to  TakeAHardLook

The Covid 19 bioweapon was made at the UNC Chapel Hill by Dr. Ralph S. Baric. His grant money came mostly from the Department of Defense. He was working on it since 1999. Dr. Francis Boyle wrote the 1989 Bioweapon Anti-Terrorism Act. Dr. Boyle says Covid 19 is a bioweapon. He ought to know. He wrote the law. I’ve known this since 2020. Allegedly, the CIA was responsible for the spread of the weapon. It was a power and money grab. It worked.

kal kal
kal kal
3 months ago

The path to look down are the Pentagon and its personnel coupled to “Shadowgate.” At the beginning of the plandemic, the rodent fauci was already talking about H5N1 and the preparations that the “government” should be taking in stockpiling anti-biotics. H5N1, an avian virus. Antibiotics? Many plans in place.

3 months ago

Every word that Mr. Oliver spoke is true. The satanic Globalists, and the Western politicians they control, want their long-desired one-world, dystopian, totalitarian government. They will not hesitate to lie, cheat, and commit mass murder (using engineered famines, engineered weather catastrophes, bio-weapons, world war, etc.,) to obtain it. And that is why they hate nationalists and patriots in every Western nation, especially American ones.

3 months ago

O.K. here’s my tin foil hat theory. And I believe as time goes on this will be exposed. COVID was released on behalf of the deep state to STOP DJTs economy so he would be beatable at the polls in 2020. It was developed domestically and transferred to China.

wv citybilly
wv citybilly
2 months ago

COVID was greatest scam on the world stage since the invention of Islam.