A proposed bill in North Dakota would allow the state to ignore any executive orders handed down from President Joe Biden if said orders don’t jibe with the Constitution.
House Bill 1164, submitted by Republican State Rep. Tom Kading, reads:
The legislative management may review any executive order issued by the president of the United States which has not been affirmed by a vote of the Congress of the United States and signed into law as prescribed by the Constitution of the United States and recommend to the attorney general and the governor that the executive order be further reviewed. Upon recommendation from the legislative management, the attorney general shall review the executive order to determine the constitutionality of the order and whether the state should seek an exemption from the application of the order or seek to have the order declared to be an unconstitutional exercise of legislative authority by the president.
In other words, if Biden issues an executive order, the state’s attorney general may review the order to determine if it complies with the Constitution. From there, the state will determine if they should seek exemption from the order or challenge the order on constitutional grounds.
10th Anemdment already allows states to ignore illegal orders.
My thoughts exactly.
10th amendment huh? you mean they are going to begin following the constitution now? Finally….
Hmm, just wondering, does executive order constitute federal law ? Seeing as how this isn’t coming from congress, just wondering.
Making a dubious assumption that your comment is not rhetorical and sarcastic, I offer the following definition for Executive Order:
… A harsh, unilaterally imposed settlement with a defeated party.
… An authoritative or dogmatic statement or decree.
… A harsh penalty imposed upon a defeated party by the victor.
This is all well and good if it goes anywhere but, it sounds like more chin music to me. We have heard all this before. When do we get down to following the founding documents rather than paying lip service to them???
If folks really want to stand up to these illegitimate actors pretending to have power over them, they should carefully study the 4 organic laws of the United States of America. You can read them here: https://uscode.house.gov/browse/frontmatter/organiclaws&edition=prelim
Those 4 laws are the real Constitution of the USA and the first three are set in stone -- literally. They are obviously still in force as they are printed in Volume 1 of the US Code. There is also no evidence that the USA in Congress Assembled ever repealed the Articles of Confederation. Read them one at at time, in order, and play close attention to exactly what is said and how words are mixed in the Constitution of 1787. Madison and his cohorts just fought a war for their inalienable rights but needed a better way to govern a Confederacy of sovereign States that is “perpetual”. They were also some of the smartest and richest people on the planet at that time. Once you study the matter you may find that, even though it is not stated explicitly, “ownership” is the real key. The Federal Government over the years, especially with the assistance of the Courts and abusing the “Commerce Clause”, have convinced almost everyone that they have jurisdiction (ownership) over almost everything in one way or another.
In reality, what did the Founders intend when they devised the Constitution of 1787? How can we discern the legitimate, exclusive jurisdiction of the United States of America in Congress Assembled? What about the exclusive legislative jurisdiction of the United States? What questions to we have to ask to make sure they actually have the power to do what ever it is that they purport to say they can do?
I know for my part, I know my inalienable rights are a grant from my Creator. I know no government owns me but I did have a contract at one time. I don’t work on their property. I don’t use their property or privileges to earn a profit. As an individual, I never signed any of the Organic Laws but I would sign the Declaration of Independence even today. They only have legitimate power I grant them. Today, they seem to have the belief they, including the administrative “deep state” can make my life a misery and destroy my children’s future on the flimsiest of pretext. Interesting times.
In these insane and dangerous times, I think individual education and thoughtful, persistent, moral, action is critical.
Amen Working Dawg
Dawg- Do you have a ‘driver’s license’ ? Use a ‘social security number’ ? If So, you have CONTRACTUALLY obligated yourself to OBEY all ‘laws’, ‘regulations’ and ‘executive orders’ of the Government CORPORATION and its Subsidiaries, down to the local level.
Until the People realize that they are Chattel, by “Contract” to the false ‘corporate government’, they remain Trapped in the (((bankster’s))) Matrix.
Yawn. This is more of that ‘Second Amendment Sanctuary’ nonsense, like in 99% of the Counties in Virginia last Year. No Mention of ‘nullifying’ all the Existing non-Constitutional ‘gun laws’, and Really no mention of the Local ‘governments’ committing to Use Force against State and federal thugppigs sent to ‘enforce’ such Edicts.
Man, Gryphon, you are really some sort of downer. I can’t tell if you are a raging shill troll or if you are an agent provocateur, but in just the last few posts that I’ve read, you’ve been nothing but a depressive naysayer on every subject. How about you get on board with being an American and a Patriot and get with the cause or maybe go fuck back off to your mommy’s basement or your Chinese/Russian handler’s dwelling and let us true Americans get to work saving this country.
Feds can’t help but have one-track minds in their postings, they’re not allowed to stray too far from the official guide books.