New Black Panther Party wants to “arm every black man”

From YouTube:

Around 40 New Black Panther Party members marched with their firearms on display through the streets of Austin during SXSW festival on Monday. The protesters took to the streets of the Texan capital to condemn the murders of black civilians and show respect to the families of those who have been killed by the police in the United States.


If you don’t like the RT video, here is the Alex Jones’ video:

Now imagine 40 white patritots marching with rifles with a message to support the Constitution at the SXSW event. The press would be shouting “Tea Party Racists” from the roof tops and Eric Holder would launch an immediate investigation. But in the Obama States of America (OSA), we have to see this on Russia Today or Alex Jones. Why?

In the OSA, class warfare is a means to divide the country so that the political class can solidify tyranny. You can see what the other side is doing. It is easy to manipulate the weak minded. It also is easy to believe that it will get better. I can assure you it will get much worse.

We only have two choices: RESIST or SUBMIT.

David DeGerolamo

h/t Don P

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Don Johnson
Don Johnson
9 years ago

This is a old tactic to “Divide & Conquer” us with all the different factions of this country going for each others throats !
When the dust settles and there is total chaos, DHS and FEMA, assisted by the local useful idiots, will clean up who is left and there jobs will be made so much more easy to complete. Think it can’t happen, “Think Again” !
Connect the dots and follow the money people ! It is just that damn simple to accomplish.
We must work 24 / 7 in a attempt to get our acts together as best as possible and be prepared for the worst case scenario when the SHTF ! We will have little to no warning to prepare so we must
not waste precious time fooling ourselves that things will change and get better.

9 years ago

Oh, David, you’re such a pessimist.

I’m glad to see that not all males in the US have estrogen levels greater than my wife.

By the way, our options are not “binary” … we can have fun … in public.

I, for one, plan to march with my rifle in the upcoming parade to celebrate White History Month.

Fair’s fair, n’est-ce pas ?

NOTE: I do not endorse the call to kill police except in lawfully justifiable self defense.

9 years ago
Reply to  Hans

no, all is not fair Hans, There has been a two tier system of justice set up in our country by our treasonous useless white idiot leaders and judges for the last thirty years. two sets of rules. one for the white man and one for the black man. Anyone who has any common sense can see what is occurring and how these Marxists will and are coming for us. but being the useless idiots they all are , nothing will go well for any of them as well as all the Alphabet law enforcement agencies which have been committing treason under the Clinton, Bush and now this idiot Obamas regime. Yup, when the dust settles all of them in the law enforcement agencies that have taken bad orders will be hanged, so this is warning to them to stand down, but they wont, they all will be hanged with no trials nor juries. once they go down this deadly road there will be no return for them. let me give you an example, to put fright into them all the patriots would need is ten good men with sniper capabilities spread out in a coordinated effort and they would wreak havoc on the Marxists in the media and government they would never know where its coming from, elimination of the main internal enemies first ,one by one. the same way they are doing to our people and veterans. just think when the patriots will have no other choice but to unite for the safety and security of themselves, families and friends, and when there will be thousands of snipers whom are well armed and know how to shoot, they will be in deep , deep trouble. But knowing the arrogance of this regime, they will continue to use intimidation tactics on our leaders and still pursue there evil ways, even knowing there end will come swift. One last word, If you march down a street in your city with a loaded rifle with other folks you can be rest assured you will be intimated by the leftist media, the cops and the leaders in that city, only because you are white. the blacks are marching with loaded rifles and not a peep from the Marxist media, the police nor the phony two self hating white leadership. two sets of rules for sets of people. how much longer do you believe this can continue. sorry for the long response.

9 years ago

I just noticed in the first picture with the racist BP thug carrying the ‘AR’, that’s not a high power rifle. It’s either an airsoft or a 22LR, look at the magazine. If the SHTF fan with this crew they’d go down quick in a pile of jello. For their own safety I hope they go home and shut up.

9 years ago

Did anyone else notice the guys statement that they want to police their own neighborhoods? Since they cant seem to get along with the cops now, I say let them patrol their own neighborhoods and the police can set up a perimeter around those neighborhoods where noboby is allowed in or out. I’m betting it wont take long before total chaos and they will exterminate themselves. Its a win win for the society as a whole. No more thugs living off the public’s money and new areas that can be cleaned up and have decent law abiding citizens move back in after the thugs are all dead.

9 years ago
Reply to  Bob

I am all for them killing themselves, they are all useless racists eaters anyway including there racist women. Its amazing they can march thru the streets, but don’t any of them work? Oh I forgot they are all on Obongocare and the government dole, and with that they get free cell phones all paid for by the white fools. truly amazing, so who cares if they kill themselves.

9 years ago

As with everything else, this really boils down to being a 14th Amendment issue -- since the states no longer have control of who qualifies as a citizen, we have all sorts of second-order problems with the exercising of rights by Federal citizens who would not and do not qualify to be State Citizens; yet the compunction of the 14th Amendment compels us to welcome these unqualified and dangerous elements into our society, and even worse, to feed, house, and support them.

Unless and until the 14th Amendment is recognized for the obscene act of treason which it is, and is done away with, we will continue to see these second-order problems grow and proliferate in our communities.

Note to haters -- This is not a racist comment. I am far more concerned about Caucasians who adhere to blatant communistic ideology than about a loud and unruly bunch of negroes -- because it is easy to recognize the ignorance of these negroes, and therefore to deal with them in a charitable manner. No, the Caucasian communists who have embedded themselves in nearly every organization throughout our society are the greater threat, and they would most certainly be barred from citizenship under the real and original Constitutions of the founding 13 States.

Citizenship is not a “Right of Birth”; in fact, it is not a Right at all. In all nations and all cases throughout history, prior to the current Federal oligarchy of the last hundred and fifty years, citizenship was obtained upon either objective MERIT or subjective FAVOR.
-- to be a citizen of Rome plainly had it’s benefits, but also rested upon stringent prerequisites, and bore substantial duties.
-- certainly, to be a peer of one the kingly realms of Europe also had substantial duties and prerequisites, as well.
-- in every one of the original 13 States which composed the Union, there were prerequisites to Citizenship which, by their nature and composition, prevented the ignorant, the radical, and the Nair-do-well from obtaining unto the privileges of Citizenship *precisely* because said persons were not capable of fulfilling the duties and obligation thereof.

The 14th Amendment flies in the face of thousands of years of societal wisdom; it plainly denies the fact that not everyone is capable of participating in a body politic, nor should everyone be subject to it’s burdens.


9 years ago
Reply to  LT

you are right we have embedded in our government at every level including Local and state, white ignorant negro communists, these are self loathing whites who hate themselves and there own kind for what ever reasons, they are the most dangerous and all one has to do is look at the left wing marixst media and you will see a cadre of them. they way they think and speak is an abomination to our nation and our kind, these will be the first to go during a civil war. this group must be shut down permanently and forever and be replaced with patriot Americans and that includes the owners of these stations.

9 years ago
Reply to  LT

LT that was a well written and well thought out statement of historical fact. This notion that these people are “entitled” to something, especially something as precious as citizenship and voting, is flawed and flies in the face of any notion of a healthy country. To discover the opinion of the founders on the subject we need look no further than the Naturalization act of 1790 and the relative peace and prosperity that followed.

While that act certainly contains a “racial” component it was done so out of common sense as well as an acceptance of the handiwork of the Almighty in creating a separating the different nations i.e. races. Can we still assert blindness to what God created? Shall we continue to deny what our eyes see, history demonstrates, and common sense decrees? That being there are indeed inherent differences between certain groups and that to ignore those differences invites a dilution of the felicity that is most certainly found when these realities are accepted and respected?

I am ALWAYS amazed to find and hear the philosophy of the communist Leon Trotsky espoused, by politicians and my kinsmen alike, as if it were the Gospel and then expecting praise for doing so. What ever happened to natural affection for our people and respect for Creation?

We and our children will continue to pay a heavy price for such arrogance and stupidity. May God remove the scales from our eyes and the darkness form out hearts.