The tide may be turning. The personal attacks concerning my viewpoint that there is no political solution to our nation’s problems have dropped. The hope represented by the GOP victory in the Senate has quickly faded as the elite continue to show their insatiable appetite for power and taxation.
Put your faith in the Lord and then in yourself. Never put your fate in the hands of the “government”. Once their chains are forged, you will never escape the grasp of the real domestic terrorists.
David DeGerolamo
Momentum builds in Congress for raising the federal gas tax
Record-low gas prices across the U.S. have given rise to fresh talk in Washington of raising the federal gas tax for the first time in over 20 years, with leading Republicans now saying a hike must not be ruled out.
The GOP has long resisted calls from business leaders and others to boost the 18.4 cent-per-gallon tax as a way pay for upgrades to the nation’s crumbling roads and bridges.
Yet in recent days, senior Senate Republicans have said they want to keep options open and that “nothing is off the table” when weighing the best mechanisms to pay to finance infrastructure projects.
Regarding the feral gas tax: of course, our beloved Tar Heel state now has the dubious honor of charging the highest state gas tax in the South (and currently all but eight US states).
I’m glad the personal attacks are lessening, but I fear that “Boobus Americanus” (God bless you Henry Mencken, you old curmudgeon!) will never tweak on the fact that government, like war, is indeed a racket. (God bless you Smedley Butler, you old son of a bitch!)
pay for upgrades to the highway system???? WTF???? didn’t the tax payers foot a 1.2 TRILION dollar stimulas bill that was suppost to fund