Dr. Yan et al claim:
A massive misinformation campaign has been undertaken by the CCP government to cover up the true origin of SARS-CoV-2, which involved destroying data and samples, publishing fabricated viruses on top scientific journals, controlling the narrative of the origin debate through bribed top scientists and organizations, amplifying the falsified natural origin theory through media control, labeling all other origin theories as “conspiracy theories”, and defaming individuals who reveal the truth of SARS-CoV-2. As a result of the CCP’s efforts here, the true, weaponized nature of SARS-CoV-2 has been obscured and was not known by most of the public.
The report notes that the “defamation” against two previous studies undertaken by Dr. Yan and her team were a part of the same “disinformation” campaign. In fact, The National Pulse uncovered deep financial links between “disinformation” reporters that have attempted to refute Dr. Yan’s claims and Chinese Communist Party investment vehicles.
It’s important to understand that the CCP has declared war on the United States… indeed, the entire world. Their weapon, the CCP Virus, aka the China Virus has caused the untimely deaths of well over a half-million souls, devastated our economy, pitted us all against each other, and helped secure, with their willing accomplices in the Biden non-administration, quasi-communist control over all future elections here and the ultimate crushing of Americans’ civil rights.
whatever the deal is with miss yan
there is no western european or american study which shows the cause of the alleged kovid bug , the russians have identified a bacteria as the cause , the americans by mistake identified a parasite , while not naming the parasite , the drugs that the credible DRs are using to cure the bug are ivermectin and derivitives of quinine which are anti parasite drugs with the antibiotic azrythromyacin which kills bacteria none of the above are anti viral yet they do CURE kovid .
off gaurdian and the freeman files and patrick henry compile articles showing none of the studies claiming virus as a cause have isolated the actual pathogen that is the cause
CDC claims they have not isolated the pathogen that is the cause
the vaccine is bogus because the powers that be have not yet PUBLICLY identifed the pathogen that is the cause , so how could a vaccine target an unknown and be sucsessful ?
if miss yan knows the pathogen that is the cause she should be forthcoming with the truth , IF it originated in wuhan or not is something all would like to know but the chinese are still saying virus virus virus with zero proof
so far miss yan only perpetuates the virus hoax
Good grief. Where to begin. Coronavirus is not a bacteria. It is not a parasite. Some anti-parasitic drugs are indeed effective, as mentioned above. That is about the only thing you said that is correct. Azithromycin is used IN CONJUNCTION with HCQ and/or Ivermectin to protect the lungs from infection which becomes much more likely as a result of the damage caused by the virus.
Miss Yan has said, SEVERAL TIMES, what the cause (the pathogen) of Covid-19 is. She has been saying it for months. Zero proof? Well, if you rely on only sources (Alex Jones as an example) that scream, without any merit whatsoever there is zero proof, then that is what you are going to believe. Doesn’t mean you are correct.
And no, the CDC has NOT claimed they have not isolated the pathogen that is the cause. The document, referenced and repeated ad nauseum that certain people have referenced claiming this has been misrepresented.
The very unfortunate fact is that the government HAS lied, about many, many things. Thus we no longer trust them (did we ever?) However, this has provided an opportunity for a very large group of knuckleheads (Gilligans, as Aesop would refer to them) to go around publishing abject bullsh*t that unthinking people (people who SHOULD have better critical thinking skills than they demonstrate) believe, because they want to.
This disease exists. It is deadly. Not terribly deadly, but many who have survived have tremendous long-term problems now as a result (including some of my own family members). The government is evil, and it is using this pandemic as a tool to obtain complete control over the American citizens, with the explicit assistance of the CCP (the source of the China Virus… funny that). It’s not one, or the other. IT’S BOTH. Two realities can coexist. Remember, it’s the democrats (communists) that never let a good crisis go to waste. This is a good one.