New Israeli Government Goes Full-Orwell, Makes Covid ‘Vaccines’ Compulsory for All Citizens Over 12

The Jewish people have been persecuted throughout history. From time to time, it’s their own leaders who are the persecutors, but that hasn’t happened for centuries… until now. The new Israeli government announced Thursday that everyone must get “vaccinated” for Covid-19 or risk being banned from, well, everything…

As Sundance noted at Conservative Treehouse:

The irony is jaw-dropping. The nation state of Israel has become the very embodiment of what it claimed to oppose. While it is often said that in order for some forms of ideology to exist they must pretend not to know things, this example is very remarkable.

Israel is already one of the most vaccinated nations on earth and they’re still spiking with Covid-19 cases. This mandate seems like more of a gamble in which they hope to be proven right even though the results so far have been abysmal.

Read the entire article here…

This is coming to our country, folks.

About Hammers Thor
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Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago

A chosen people set apart from all other nations an still that is not enough for them. They still have not choose death and serve an evil master. I guess history repeats itself continually.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago

Should become easier too see that this is not a Nation set-apart. This speck of land is not a unified group that worships the One True Savior and King. This is an earthly worldly speck of land that man decided to try and hold up above all. There is sin running rampant across this nation and land also!
The physical world needed a target, and the ‘League’ of nations obliged! Do you honestly think tucking notes and wailing at a wall is what Yahuah had in mind?
The House of Israel is more of a Spiritual place that has no one geographical location, made up of many, many True, set-apart- believers! These are the ones we should support.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago

For your discernment:
Those who obey the beast will be free to walk about downtown plazas and go to and fro.

3 years ago

no one in Israel is getting the covid vaccine, it’s nothing more than political theatre to support the false narrative they are behind.
They are appearing to “lead by example” to condition you into accepting the tyranny our governments (which they control) without resisting for real.
Jews have openly admitted being the ones behind the covid vaccine. Not only are all the CEO’s of the companies offering these vaccines jewish, jews have done videos openly bragging about being behind it and we should be thanking them for “saving us”.

3 years ago

You are probably correct -- it is a Fact that it is ‘god’s chosen people'(tm) who are completely behind the Coronascam- given that they have been Exposed as syaing (rather openly) that “vaccines” are a way to commit the Genocide of Whites they are pushing for, it would make for ‘bad optics’ if their own people were seen as not acting in tune with (((their))) Propaganda.
OTOH, I’d be just as Certain that it is just Saline Solution in those ‘vaccine’ vials that are being given to (((them))).
Is the Salt ‘kosher’?

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago

One of the many reasons why I don’t go to modern” Israel “.

3 years ago

That, and finances, are the two reasons why I am not planning to do.

3 years ago

Bennett is quoted as referencing Psalm 79:1 but he got the citation incorrect. (s/h/b 71:9)
Psalm 79:1
O god, the heathen are come into thine inheritance; thy holy temple have they defiled; they have laid Jerusalem on heaps.
Or maybe he got it correct….