New Research Article Says “Whiteness” Is A Parasitic Affliction That Must Be “Cured,” CRT Is INSANE

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3 years ago

Further proof that evil is alive and doing quite well in this world and it’s our job, as HUMANS toe eradicate it!

3 years ago

Meanwhile South Africa is necklacing Whitey after raping his wife and kids . You’re gonna enjoy the new Amerika Slo-Joe is launching .

3 years ago

I think your observation is a good one. Some primarily Black nations engaged in White genocide in their countries. No one talks about that. There are more “people of color” a phrase I dislike, around the globe. I guess they want to rule the White race even though most progress for humanity has come from the White race. At least I think so. I am left with sense that in this country many “people of color” have been controlled by hostile entities that feed the wrong wolf. I DO thank God for the many conservative Black and Brown and Yellow Americans that DO speak out. I pray that population grows large enough to make a difference in our political environment. But, although Obama and Co. are behind this revolution, be sure that is a GLOBAL movement. I have always said that and I am sure it is true.

3 years ago
Reply to  valerie

There are Jews, too, who stand against this. Alas, we are in the minority but we are starting to speak up and against those “Plopping Jews” whose fealty is not to America and G-d but to their Lord Marx.

G-d damn Barbara Spectre, HIAS, and all those others whose work is to erase Western Civilization.

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago


3 years ago

Gotcha…the race that made almost everything good in the entire world is the problem. Ok!!

3 years ago

Until we fight back, the commie train will continue.
It’s just that simple. And why shouldnt it.
They sure as hell seem mored deficated than…

I see whites in america doing exactly what the jews did.
Walk themselves right into the ovens for the nazi’s.

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago
Reply to  Kris

Exactly Right

3 years ago

I’ve had this feeling for years now, but whenever I’ve mentioned anything about this or even the thought of it, I’ve been looked at like I was a nut job. So I’ve learned to keep my mouth shut. although there has been one or two people though the years that have came back to me and told me that maybe I was right

Billy bob
Billy bob
3 years ago

Why is Isreal not forced to allow black migrants?
Why are they allowed closed borders in the “most democratic country in the middle east “

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago
Reply to  Billy bob

Weve helped relocate many Ethiopians to Israel. So they will . There is wisely a religious test of course.

Buttercup Brigade
Buttercup Brigade
3 years ago

Sounds very Judeo.