A man died following a brutal arrest in which NYPD choked him and slammed his head against the sidewalk. Police say they suspected him of selling cigarettes without government permission.
The violence occurred on July 17th, when NYPD officers approached Eric Garner, 43. Late that afternoon, witnesses said that Garner, described as a “gentle giant,” was standing on the sidewalk and had played peacekeeper by breaking up a scuffle between two parties.
But police weren’t interested in taking a report about the fight.
NYPD was evidently investigating one of New York’s most egregious crimes — face-to-face cigarette sales on the sidewalk. With New York City’s oppressive “sin taxes,” packs of smokes cost as much as $12 to $14 each. Mr. Garner had in the past been arrested for selling cigarettes for 50 cents apiece. NYPD believed that he was doing it again.
“Every time you see me you want to mess with me,” Garner told NYPD. “I’m tired of it. It stops today!”
All the vicious gang members out there and they pick on some nice guy selling tax less
cigarettes to get some extra money. A real big time crime. The taxes are a racket anyway
by the mafia.