— (@realmuckraker) February 6, 2024
Muckraker has obtained never-before-seen footage from inside three of New York's secret illegal alien compounds.
The footage includes…
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What can’t they do? Soon they will be going door to door to loot, rob and steal with no consequences.
Tom, where they put the vermin scum up on Randalls Island, N.Y.C. and Orchard Beach in the The Bronx, N.Y.C., I used to bike ride in both places and go to beach in the Bronx , they were really nice places to go when I was growing Dad used to take us to all these places from time to time, now Both places have been destroyed over the years and now it’s a crap hole for third world scum brought to us by Obama and Obiden. I still have some family up there and they tell me it’s totally out of control, murders, stabbings, looting, break ins, and much more violence, and now they bang on peoples doors demanding money and food and the government gave them the okay to do it. they tell me it’s become a shit hole of every unclean spirit from around the world. One of my brothers told me they were banging on his door and when he answered they ran like hell from him, just being in the presence of one of my brothers is intimidating and he was going to beat all them to death ,and he as they were run from him he was yelling at them to never come back here again and bang on anyone’s door in our neighborhood because he would bury all of them. My brother told me the ones who came to his door looked like military men and knowing my brother and what he used to do he would have killed all of them in no time at all, even the military frauds ran as fat as the other criminals were running, and he would bury all of them. there 8 brothers in my family and they are basically all hardened.
Sounds like you got a good family Phil, stand up guy your brother, when I was living in Henderson Nevada I met a lot of people from NYC. Need more guys like you and your brothers.
Iam like my brothers but not as nasty, if that makes any sense. I am the only one in the family who is saved and came to the Lord, but the rest are not. So, they would not think twice about breaking the necks of the scum who come to do them harm and that includes the federal scum, they surely are in no way fearful of that bunch, since they no more than the dumb ass, dumb down agents. one day soon some of these idiots will try to put a hurting on one of my brothers and may help God help them if they do, there will be bodies everywhere.
They might try that crap around my AO, try is all their going to do. I hope they have said their final prayers.
The trash bin. NYC citizens brought it upon themselves.
Who would have thought Kurt Russel’s- Escape from NY would be PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING!
Absolutely, but this crap of non-human garbage wants to put all god-fearing people away and conservatives in fema camps, I say to them bring it on. if anyone is going to their graves it will be the ones they send. hawks’ eyes are always watching and waiting.
it’s really bad Jane, up there.
It’s extremely bad. I cannot believe this is happening. I am in shock.
Coming to small town USA.
Hogs gotta eat and the other white meat doesn’t change the flavor of the pork.
Just saying.
and Hogs leave no trace of the perps.
Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy! We get to pay for it all.
Diversity is our Strength
War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
It is sad to see the current state of New York city. Remember Frank Sinatra’s song; New York, New York? Sinatra really loved that city. But then most of the big cities of America have deteriorated badly over the last several decades, especially the blue ones. The lesson to be learned is this: you get exactly what you vote for. Go blue and you get screwed.
The federal government has failed in its constitutional duties to secure the borders and protect the lives, liberties and economic livelihoods of American people. That has to be changed now, before the entire nation is turned into an uncivilized, poverty-stricken, third-world shithole.
I hope all of these hotels and housing crapholes turn into bloodbaths. Let criminals and all illegals destroy themselves.