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Live By The Sword Die By The Sword.
Love how the left does stupid unreasonable things to make themselves more sociopathic socialists. America is seeing the real agenda of the democrat party of old deteriorating right before our eyes.
Of course it’s nothing to go ‘nuts’ over…..js
At what point is it not ok to simply watch the slaughter of innocent babies in the womb and often being born?
I see more public outcry about the murder of a squirrel than the “Reproductive RIGHTS ” AKA Abortion.
When is it Something to Go Nuts over?
Your well spoken and have strong opinions about Israel.
What is your Go Nuts moment?
You are right when did our nation turn to protecting animals more (of which they should up to a certain point) then protecting the unborn, and now the born are slayed on the hospital table at birth from the satanic murderers in white coats and blue state legislatures passing ungodly laws and edicts. It truly is an upside-down world with Satan confusing every aspect of morals, ethics and decency and destroying the minds of the weak and ungodly of this sin cursed earth at speeds never heard of. Satan is fully aware about his end is closing in on him and he is raging like the evil being he is. He is working feverishly to drag as many of Gods created man into hell with him, and stupid men and women are playing right into his wicked hands.
Michael….My go nuts moment?
Keeping it cool when others are wanting you to go nuts.
Besides I wouldn’t stoop to that level.
Your unpleasant taste for Israel is so obvious and part of the norm we seen this past year with protest and bitter outcry.
I wonder if you feel that way of all groups or his it just Israel?
You continue to ignore my repeated messages that perhaps Israel is in SIN.
You know.,the stuff in the Bible about Israel sinning against God and being punished by national destruction, temple destroyed and going into slavery.
Show me scripture where God blessed sin.
That and Jesus telling the Jews “that God could rise up children of Abraham (in the promise and all that) from these rocks”.
I bet that made those religious leaders pretty angry. Their ONLY CLAIM of being Abraham bloodline easily replaced by God from rocks.
Read the whole Bible. God is holy, Israel is not holy.
We are all ”Cashew” now , well , for decades now.
We live in a police state. A surveillance state. And voting will make it go away? If folks don’t know what it takes to get rid of it, and they’re not ready to do what it takes, then we’re cooked.
There is no substance in the references that I’ve read of taking the two pets and euthanizing them. The only reason I’ve read is that the government agency did it because they can; what is the rest of the story? The focus seems to be on the pets instead of what their owners were charged with; or have they been charged? Was their residence unlawfully entered and private property taken without explanation? Sounds like the couple’s rights were violated in many ways yet that doesn’t seem to be the core of the “outrage”.
Diva do you remember what kicked off the Arab Spring?
Small sparks may make huge fires.
Will be a odd history nore a murdered squirrel was the final straw.
Yes indeed. Michael Yon likes to say they create the conditions for conflagration and let the sparks take care of themselves.