News you need to know…June 1st…More evidence we are in a recession.

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1 year ago

The 2008 recession never ended… really. Mr. Trump managed to make things less bad with low gas prices. Citizens with homes they could sell in desireable locations did OK.
But where we are headed now -- with all this Vanguard & BlackRock and “federal” Reserve manufactured inflation? And disruptive Block-Chain FEDNOW system technology laying the un-Constitutional digital train tracks (in one month) for full-on financial slavery with Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) by 2025? Way worse.
And my US House Representative Patrick McHenry, Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee doesn’t appear to know ANYTHING about this? His people think all of it is for ‘more streamlined payment systems” and have no clue that the US Treasury is about to be replaced by the “federal” Reserve as Payor to the citizens of this country!! Yaaagh!!!

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
1 year ago

You ain’t gonna believe this. Germany is going to pass a law restricting people to 10 grams of meat per day. To save the planet from climate change. That’s part of one hot dog, per day. Other countries are shutting down farms. Insanity.