NFL Players Have A First Amendment Right To Act Like Little Bitches

The bottom line is, whether or not you or I support their motives, constitutionally, legal precedence is on the side of the players. They have every right to act like bitches on an SJW plantation, kneeling and virtue signaling to their heart’s content. And, the public has every right to stop watching the NFL, drop their ESPN subscriptions, throw their overpriced sports jerseys in the trash and move on to more important issues… like what the hell is all this nonsense with North Korea? And why do we keep hearing about economic recovery when the average American can’t make it from month-to-month without running up their credit cards? And why are so many of us so damn fat and unhealthy?


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7 years ago

NFL Players Have A First Amendment Right To Act Like Little Bitches”

Absolutely, they do! And they also have the right to BEAR THE CONSEQUENCES THEREOF too! All of them!!

7 years ago

Sorry …….

7 years ago

Oh my God! Is that what started all this nonsense? He looks like a real brain trust, doesn’t he. He has no idea what he is talking about, obviously. How did he make the connection between his complaints about perceived mistreatment of blacks and the proper recognition and respect due the American flag and national anthem? There is no logical link there. By grandstanding (or grandkneeling) on the playing field, he merely demonstrates his search for attention. They play a game, a childs’ game, and the flag represents real life and death by dedicated, honorable soldiers and sailors. He needs to grow up and apologize for all the trouble he started. He also needs to encourage all players of this game to stop being so disrespectful and understand there is a time and place for this kind of behavior. During the national anthem is not the time or place.

7 years ago

Actually, the First Amendment does not apply here as neither the government nor the Congress is attempting to nullify the players right of free speech or expression. The players are, however, in breach of contract and work rules and standards of conduct of the NFL, their employer, who as a private entity can enforce these rules which the players have agreed to abide by but are now breaching that agreement.

a follower
a follower
7 years ago

The NFL Kneeling Controversy is a Deceptive Plot! By Nathan Leal

7 years ago

You’re exactly right. As an employee, they have NO rights. And in breach of contract, they forfeit those rights to remain as employees.