NH’s Democrat Gov Hassan Vetoes Constitutional Carry, Quotes Racist In Her Excuse

Maggie Hassan

Gov. Hassan justifies her veto of SB 116, Constitutional Carry bill, by quoting New Hampshire’s Racist and Homophobic former Governor Thomson.

Governor Maggie Hassan has vetoed SB 116, repudiating the 1974 amendment to the NH Constitution guaranteeing that “Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by this state on account of race, creed, color, sex or national origin.”

Her veto message quotes former Governor Mel Thomson who after visiting South Africa in 1978, praised the white-minority government and defended its apartheid policy. Thomson also openly threatened to veto all funding for the University of New Hampshire after the Gay Students Organization held a dance and performed a play on campus.

SB 116 would have made optional NH’s license requirement to discreetly carry a firearm loaded outside of one’s home The law would have replaced the wholly subjective discretion given to local law enforcement to decide whether any NH citizen is a “suitable” person – allowing for the determination to be based on their ethnicity, race, gender, union or political affiliation – with one based on federal firearm statutes.

Governor Hassan compounds the existing statutory discrimination stating “Our permitting system gives an important oversight role to local law enforcement, while allowing for appeals through appropriate channels”, which means only those with financial means will have the ability to challenge any denial of the constitutional right.


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9 years ago

she is a Whore Marxist , but the people voted the piece of human garbage in.