Nigel Farage 20years ago you laughed at me, you are not laughing now


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Tom Angle
8 years ago

I like it.

8 years ago

‘An Emergency Meeting’, indeed…

Because, to career politicians, it is *always* an emergency, when someone says, “I want my freedom back. I want my sovereignty back. I want to take responsibility for myself, and make my own decisions. And I’m no longer interested in what you want. In fact, I’m sick to death of it…”

8 years ago

Nigel Farage said, “…the reason you’re so upset, the reason you’re so angry, has been perfectly clear from all the angry exchanges this morning…you, as political project, are in denial.
You’re in denial that your currency is failing. You’re in denial…”
He continues, “Well, just look at the Mediterranean. No, No. No. As a policy to impose poverty upon Greece and the Mediterranean you’ve done very well.”

Further protests, and then he continues,

“…but the biggest problem you’ve got, and the reason, the main reason the UK voted the way that it did, is you have, by stealth, by deception, without ever telling the truth, to the British or the rest of the peoples of Europe.

You have imposed upon them a political union.

You have imposed upon them a political union.

And when the people in 2005, in the Netherlands and France, voted against that political union; when they rejected the constitution, you simply ignored them, and brought the Lisbon Treaty in through the back door.

What happened last Thursday was a remarkable result, it was indeed a seismic result.
Not just for British politics, for European politics, but perhaps even for global politics too --
Because what the little people did, what the ordinary people did, what the people who have been oppressed over the last few years and seen their living standards go down, they rejected the multi-nationals, they rejected the merchant banks, they rejected big politics.

And they said, actually, “we want our country back; we want our fishing waters back; we want our borders back; we want to be an independent, self-governing, normal nation.”
and that is what we have done, and that is what must happen.

And in doing so, we now offer a beacon of hope to democrats across the rest of the European continent. I’ll make one prediction this morning, the UK will not be the last member-state to leave the European Union…”

Well said, and well, done Mr. Farage.

I pray that we do as well, here in America.