
Sim Warlord 🌶🇺🇸🥷 on X: “🚨🚨BREAKING: Niger 🇳🇪 has fallen, after talks broke down with US representatives. The US military is now reportedly being expelled from the country. The CIA & US Army operates at least two massive drone bases in Niger that will now be in play.

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foot in the forest
foot in the forest
10 months ago

The big guy needs his 10% no matter what.

ell Jay
ell Jay
10 months ago

Hmm…this page doesn’t exist. Try searching for something else. That’s the message I get from both links.

Daniel K Day
Daniel K Day
10 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Still no good just now.

10 months ago

I did some research, seems in Aug 2023 Niger requested Wagner Support to oust CIA asset in their country.

Looks like it’s another Afghanistan Style “Mission Accomplished” in Niger.

In other new looks like we are about to leave Syria and thus Syria will be able to recover whatever we don’t destroy of their oil fields.

Dave, have you looked at TL Davis’s latest post, “Deflation of a Nation” and Emerald Robinsons “Sporky on the way” posting at Western Rifle Shooters.

10 months ago

Niger has already recently kicked out the French. Along with Mali, Burkina Faso and some other west African countries. Corruption related mostly.

10 months ago

Globohomo/StateDept/NGO axis of economic hitmen and MIC influence is finally being revealed for what it is. The fomenting of coups and destabilizing social “movements” in order to engineer puppet governments friendly to globohomo and then utilizing extortion of “aid packages”, infrastructure and development grants that somehow always end up converting into massive USAID/World Bank etc loans collateralized by National resources that are then de facto privatized and extracted by globocorps.

The extreme arrogance of the US foreign service under Barry and now “Biden” coupled with the duplicitous and obvious brutality of this model has entire continents turning away from FUSA and toward China and Russia.

Niger is no different. The crack team in charge of facilitating regime change in Niger include Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Molly Phee and US Africa Command head General Michael Langley. Corrupt and inept, just like the rest of the State dept corporate crony exports. The drone and spy base was one of the most expensive military construction projects ever. Which is saying a lot. And also no surprise.

Yet another example of the permanent state bureaucracy that is so entrenched that it can never be reformed by any democratic or administrative means. The whole foreign service state dept spook industry has to be called home, gutted, and re staffed. Which will never happen outside the same thing happening to our domestic overlords.

10 months ago

Meh. The MIC/State Department war criminals will just surface somewhere else. There are still plenty of countries in the world run by corrupt locals who would welcome Biden Bucks. The long-term goal of these war criminals and their (((financial allies))) is to destroy and take over Russia and any other sovereign nation who stands in the way of The New World Order. Plan accordingly. Bleib ubrig.

10 months ago

Dweezil your correct except IF the US Dollar loses the World Reserve Status and all that T-bill debt comes HOME hard and fast.

Putin, Xi and the BRICS are slowly and carefully dissembling the foundations of our World Reserve Currency as not to trigger a direct Nuclear response from a desperate collapsing Empire.

Doesn’t help that our own government is so busy crippling it’s self with excess debt (What A mere Trillion every 100 days, Come On Man we can do better than that, where’s my 10%?) and DEI nonsense turning our once powerful military into the Clown Army-Navy-Marine-Airforce-and LOL Space Force into running jokes.

THEN the US Dollar will NOT be BUYING Support from various countries.

No more value I suspect than Confederate Dollar Replicas.

10 months ago
Reply to  Michael

Michael, my friend: You are right. But the operant word you have used is IF, not WHEN. As I have posted here before, TPTB have gamed this already and when Biden Bucks lose their World Reserve status and the T-bill debt comes home, Mordor-On-The-Potomac will just convert the American Sheeple to CBDC. All of the shambling, texting, slack-jawed, mouth-breathing, brain-dead, Netflix-watching Tay-Tay-worshipping Mall Zombies will not utter a peep. as long as they still have their bread and circuses. Look at Cuba. Look at Venezuela. And to all of those reading this who are armed, locked and loaded, and ammoed up, ask yourselves this question: “WHO WILL BELL THE CAT?” Plan accordingly. Amerika is verloren.

10 months ago

Dweezil INSIDE the Former Republic they can force any sort of fiat (FAKE) Money on US.

Been done in Venezuela, North Korea, Zimbabwe and many more 3rd world dictatorships.

Outside NOT SO MUCH. Do you NOTICE the “international STATUS” of the 3 listed above? For the same reason that Seashells are not accepted for barrels of oil.

The CIA’s ability to bribe countries will be as “powerful” as Zimbabwe. Our ability to bribe the surviving EU “Leadership” will also be pretty much zero.

America will be international lepers even IF we are sold off bit by bit for the debts owed by “Our Leadership”.

10 months ago

Niger has uranium and other valuable natural resources. It’s always about money and power. The Africans are still angry about the colonial powers hanging around and looting their resources.

10 months ago
Reply to  Nobody

Yep, Follow the Money and Resources for the truth.

Nobody I am sure your aware of the vast oil and natural gas deposits CURRENTLY under the control of Gaza.

So, your aware of at least the secondary reason Israel ALLOWED the Hamas Attack.

10 months ago
Reply to  Michael

That is correct.