Nigeria: Muslims murder 500 Christians over the last month

“Radical Islamist Herdsmen Kill 500 Nigerian Christians Over Month; Villagers Afraid to Bury Their Dead,” by Stoyan Zaimov, Christian Post, March 16, 2016:

Radical Muslim Fulani herdsmen in Nigeria have killed close to 500 predominantly Christian farmers in Benue state in central Nigeria in a series of attacks over the last month, and are reportedly still hiding out among villagers, making survivors too afraid to return and bury the dead.

“In the last three weeks, Aku, Odugbeho, Aila, Okokolo and Ikobi have been utterly destroyed and over 300 people have been killed,” Steven Enada, a development advocate campaigning against the killing of the Agatu people, told Morning Star News.

“We have corpses littered in the field like a war fought in the Roman Empire by Emperor Nero,” he added, with survivors too afraid to return to bury the dead.

International Christian Concern said on Tuesday that in total close to 500 people have been killed over the past month, and thousands have died in clashes since 2001.


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8 years ago

Now, here’s the question: Are these the radical mozlems or are these the “moderate” mozlems? I’m confused…(rhetorical)

8 years ago

*ALL* muslims knowingly finance jihad, by paying the mandatory “Zakat” which is one of the ‘five pillars’ of the islamic death cult. They must also pray and work actively towards the implementation of Sharia law throughout the world.

Now, explain to me how financing jihadi terrorism and actively working to replace civil law with Sharia can in any way be considered “moderate”?

Therefore I am forced to conclude that there are no moderate muslims. Any we could possibly classify as “moderate” would be considered apostates by all real muslims.

As I have been saying for years now,
there is only ONE solution to the muslim problem –

Kill every last muslim,
Burn every last copy of their satanic book.
Burn every last mosque to the ground.
Burn every last dwelling they have occupied,
And wherever you must burn,
Salt the ground heavily.