No Further Explanation Needed

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a follower
a follower
5 years ago

? Now i do appreciate that this site and others all seem to be exposing the lies and manipulations of the world in which we live in. And yet your attitudes and answers seem to be off base. Your big talk does not impress Him.
The Bible, The Living Word of a Living God has warned us of all of these things! Learning to recognise them for what they are is a gift from above! In the Bible how did God bring down and expose Babylon? What punishments and chastisements happened?
You think you or “The Donald”can stop this?
Has the “united states” ever had a wall? EVER? Why do we need one now? Will it make any difference? What about the land and citizenship being sold to the foreigners daily? How about the plane loads being flown in by the Lutherans ,Catholics and so many others belonging to the NWO?
God uses His enemies to get the job done of Humbling a nation or destroying it if deemed necessary.
So many are upset and willing to fight and murder each other over monuments, graven images, “historical images of man.
How much “history” has been destroyed in the past? Look at the ruins all over this world that we continue to still dredge up. False gods and deities. Have we not all been warned?
Perhaps a reading of Acts 17 23-32 could shed some light upon this?
Is this relevant? “Nor is He served with men’s hands- as if needing any- Himself giving to all life and breath, and all else.”
Perhaps a look at Babylon and the results of these days could give one some further insight?