No More Hallmark Hell

Some readers may remember previous articles where I wrote about Hallmark Hell at Christmas. As a refresher:

Hallmark Hell

Take the same script, change locations, actors and repeat for years. You knew within 2 minutes who would end up with each other, that there would be a fight or misunderstanding and that the end of the movie ended with the “kiss”. There would be no mention of the birth of Christ or any religious overtones at all.

Then the epiphany: last year, Hallmark went full “woke agenda” and my wife stopped watching. No more Hallmark Hell and we were both happy. No more state sponsored Christmas propaganda.

Most people know that Candace Cameron Bure has left Hallmark and went to the Great American Family network. Her first “Christmas” movie aired on Sunday and we watched it last night: A Christmas…Present.

First, this was an original script and the protagonists were already married. Second, the reason for the season was the major focus as scripture was quoted throughout and the church actually contained joy and fellowship.

The reason for this piece is the analogy between Hallmark and Great American Family networks and our nation’s government. Hallmark forgot its roots and the reason for its early success. They adopted and forced a “woke” agenda on their audience and any “resistance” was meant with the usual attacks on it audience. Great American Family is not forcing an agenda on its viewers: it is providing wholesome entertainment based on traditional family values.

The analogy that hit me near the end of the movie was “the emperor has no clothes”. Everyone knows Joe Biden is not the legitimate pResident. The press and Congress tell us that his clothes are magnificent but that does not change the reality. The conviction of Steward Rhodes yesterday for seditious conspiracy should be the veil that is lifted from America’s eyes and we must state the truth regardless of the agenda, attacks, imprisonment or financial losses.

We left Hallmark and its woke garbage and went to Great American Family for a simple reason: it is what we are, not what they tell us we should be. We now must leave the false government and its woke garbage and return to what made America great: God, virtue, morality and unity. God have mercy on the political elite and media who still tell us that the emperor’s clothes are magnificent.

David DeGerolamo

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Lee Vail
Lee Vail
2 years ago

Truth is the Christmas story is a complete fabrication as Jesus was not born on a December 25th in any year in ancient Bethlehem. The best evidence (Gospel of Luke) indicates a late September birth circa 4 BCE. The Holy Scriptures are also silent on celebrating any person’s birth.
Both Christmas and Easter have pagan origins. I serious doubt our Heavenly Father is pleased with that.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lee Vail

Don’t know, I wasn’t there for the occasion. What I do feel is that you are missing the point of the whole tradition.

2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Amen, and well put, David. I fully agree.

2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Nice sentiments and appropriate to the return to traditional family values. Nicely put!

2 years ago
Reply to  Lee Vail

You remind me of the church lady, full of legalism and doctrine. You must be fun at the Christmas party!

Now, to be clear, I understand what you are saying and there is much truth in it. However, as Kooper1 pointed out, you are missing the point of the tradition. For those of us that are believers, we recognize that the Christmas season is a open reminder that we have a Lord that was born into this world, and we celebrate it. We can choose to look past the commercialism and anything else that distracts from celebrating his entering into space, and time, to be born and to walk among us.

So, respectfully, lighten up.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lee Vail

I recommend you watch “Saving Christmas” by Kirk Cameron. It might get you out of your grinchy mood.

Rabbi Will Mccubbins
Rabbi Will Mccubbins
2 years ago
Reply to  Lee Vail

Chanukah ! Is where it’s at Goyim! If you are really interested in the formula to figure Yeshuas birth I can show you how to figure it out in less than a 5 minute conversation. /7042026922/ . By the way there is no specific command to acknowledge his birthdate as Hebrews wouldn’t have been inclined to celebrate birthdays.

2 years ago

When I saw a Hallmark Holiday show commercial with two men kissing that was the end for me, I almost puked.
Never watching that channel again.

Leslie Blenkhorn
Leslie Blenkhorn
2 years ago

Well said. I have found that most people just want to live their own lives and let others live theirs. But, there are other people whose only goal is to control the lives of others. The woke crowd would be among these.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago

This is the parallel economy we need to support. A fledgling movie studio producing material that is entertaining and morally compatible deserves your support. Buy the dvd version, share links to it on your social media, pass around in church. Remove your support from Marvel studios, disney, and those producing woke material like you have with Hallmark! This is the way!

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
2 years ago

Spend your way to salvation and happiness!

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago

One of the great truths that has been lost is how God communicated via the heavens above the promise of a redeemer before it was written in scripture.
How is it that the Magi hundreds of miles away knew a Judean king had been born? There is no record of anyone in Israel being aware that their king had been born. For more info,