No More Lockdowns

Too soon or not soon enough? Comments are open.

David DeGerolamo

h/t James Johnson

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Nancy in NC
Nancy in NC
4 years ago

Not soon enough. If it were not for the media most of us would know nothing about this virus. Illness and death are a part of life, and both will always happen. Our liberty is, however, fleeting.

Alfred Barnes
Alfred Barnes
4 years ago
Reply to  Nancy in NC

Only if people were willing to self isolate. This virus is a killer, do you care that little for your fellow man, or woman?

4 years ago
Reply to  Alfred Barnes

No one is stopping you from staying home. Do you care so little for your country’s economy and the lives of all the men, women and children that depend on it?

Jessica Wilkins
Jessica Wilkins
4 years ago
Reply to  animal_lover


4 years ago

Not giving up my DNA to the government or I guess Ancestry didn’t get enough. They don’t need an excuse to trace me and so on and so forth. I haven’t had a sniffle in over two years. I don’t subscribe to prescription drugs. Don’t subscribe to vaccines. I look after my 93 year old father. He does subscribe to prescription drugs but not to vaccines. I had him locked down before lock down became the norm. I don’t know a soul that’s sick with this bug or any other bug. Even my son and three grandsons aren’t sick. I haven’t seen them for over two months. Yes I believe it is an influenza. I also believe the majority of these poor people died from the ventilators. The whole thing smells!
If you haven’t seen that latest outbreak in Ecuador (?). I’m having real hard time believing all those people in the water/beach died from a virus. It looks like people floating dead in the water if some sort of blast or impact hit the water. And all these videos do the excavating of mass graves. I live in the town with Fort Detrick. The virus has been running through the nursing homes. I occasionally see a Covid death in the obituary. But not many. No mass graves here. That I’ve heard of.
You can tell I have cabin fever. Stay safe from whatever this is.

Nancy in NC
Nancy in NC
4 years ago

Why am I unable to comment?

4 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Thanks. Just more frustration in a frustrating world.☺

Gary Hines
Gary Hines
4 years ago

Either we take a stand now or nothing to stand on.

4 years ago
Reply to  Gary Hines

I’m almost 72. I’ve always stood up, protest and marched for our Republic. I use to be on a Call and Muster 12-15 years ago. Fizzled out. I think the majority of people have been taken over by their recliners. I don’t own one myself. I’ve been watching for someone younger to pull something national together. It’s much harder when we’ve been subjected to a potentially lethal virus and house arrest. Everything has escalated since 9/11 to destroy our Republic and a normal way of life. I will still try to walk/march for Lady Liberty. But I’m not wearing a mask.

lon haney
lon haney
4 years ago

All Jobs are essential. i would say this is True, to the extent that we should not raise people up (in stature ) or importance just because of the job.
Nor their money, nor their influence, nor their ‘seen, or perceived position. These are things many of us seem to need to work on.
This is for the good of the people and the good well being of ourselves. Admiration and pats on the back seem to go to some peoples heads, even the preachers. we need to be very careful. we need to watch that ego, that Pride, keep these things in check.
idols and idol worship can and does effect all of us. The unseen spirits are lying in wait.
All this: “where we go one ,we go all” speak, tends to creep me out.
We have been seeing a lot of it lately.
Last evening watching the TV, scrolling across my screen during a commercial or a show,(i do not recall which.) a message says:
“One World Together, One World at Home”
WHAT? i could not believe it! The Collective is speaking, and i am thankful to see them and be aware of them and their subtle ways. The Hive is collecting their own.

Are all people essential? Are all people equal? You see this is where the world gets confused. All are created equal in His eyes, He Loves all of us, and wishes for us to follow in His ways and His manner and His Word. He does not want nor need a bunch of human robots. He does not want a bunch of fakes, a bunch of posers. His will is that we are and remain individuals and follow and seek Him and that we enjoy His peace, His gifts,His talents, His governance and government. His protection, His Mountain, His Jerusalem.

The more of us than them theme is also getting thin. Is a Remnant the large part of something bigger, or the smaller part of something bigger? i do not need to know i am in a larger group. if i am i better check my self.
Thanks for listening, thanks for considering, Praise God and give thanks in all things, He gets the Glory.

4 years ago
Reply to  lon haney


4 years ago

The reason these measures were taken is largely because of the inability to test adequately. Other countries, like S. Korea and Germany were able to test the suspected sick, quarantine them, trace who they had contact with, and test those people. The mighty USA couldn’t even test those that were ill enough to go to the hospital. The problem continues because of the decades of off shoring to where many of the pharmaceutical materials and reagents needed to test are only made over seas. All of this is compounded by the stupid bureaucratic bloat caused by agencies such as the CDC (which just HAD to go with its own triple witching test that failed), the FDA, and yes the NIH (which has its hands in far more than health).

Without the ability to react, swiftly, and promptly, trying to go back to normal is problematic. It wasn’t but a few weeks ago this country had “15 cases and trending to zero”, yet now pushes close to 3/4 of a million, which is still less than one percent of the population, meaning even if they’re immune 300 odd million are not.

From those who have had it, including a contributor to this blog, you do NOT want it. He put it this way: I’ve never felt so bad in all of my adult life -- and it’s still hammering him with a resurgence after he thought he was past it.

4 years ago

Look at the video from all across this world. Look at how the same words and phrases are used by the ‘officials’.

lon haney
lon haney
4 years ago
Reply to  Sunny

Pretty wild, more conformation for those who see and those who hear.

4 years ago

I don’t know. The batteries went dead in my crystal ball.