No One Is Coming to Save You

How does it feel Joe when you realize that your handlers have turned on you and no one is coming to save you? You will be the first of many who will be held accountable for treason.

David DeGerolamo

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robehr orinsky
robehr orinsky
3 years ago

Many think it is incompetence , I do not think so . Slo Joe is no more than a puppet . Obama is the president and this is all planned to demoralize us and push us into the coming cw2 , I do believe that when he gets his wish granted he will realize that he was in over his head and the ferocity of those who only wanted the best for their families will take him by surprise . But it will be too late . There are not enough forces to quench the wave that is coming . All they had to do was leave us alone . And our kids ! But no , they had to keep pushing . When the Saxon began to hate indeed !

3 years ago
Reply to  robehr orinsky

Biden is a puppet. This is a GLOBAL CABAL.

3 years ago

Follow the money, who would do what Biden has done unless there was a huge payout and guaranteed protection. China has bought the mineral rights in Afghanistan and they want the USA out whatever it takes. Joe is on the take so Hunter and family took the deal meanwhile nobody can see this in the GOP there just sit there and cry

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
3 years ago


Randolph Scott
Randolph Scott
3 years ago
Reply to  Arch Stanton


Not So Free
Not So Free
3 years ago
Reply to  Randolph Scott

Hang them all.
How about on the White House grounds?

3 years ago
Reply to  Randolph Scott

Repeat until clean…

3 years ago

I don’t think anyone is coming to save us either.

3 years ago
Reply to  valerie

We will need our lord to save us and we will have to pray to him earnestly for him to help us , and fight the battles that are coming and possibly to our front door.we must pray for divine intervention and his protection while we fight the battle for the heart and soul our republic.

gail jansen
gail jansen
3 years ago

I attended a public meeting recently which is traditionally a yawn. To my great surprise and delight, the group was loud, opinionated, wanting answers, and INFORMED. You are right, We are going to have to be our own rescue party…but I was hearing people discuss the fact that they were going to have to stand together. These were not preppers or gun enthusiasts. They were moms, dads, grandparents, and single people. Average Americans. They are the wave and they are rising. There will be no place to hide nor any fancy story to squelch their momentum. These people don’t want to hear from lawyers, appeasers, or lying politicians anymore. So beware, Joe, where you park your behind because the authentic Junk Yard Dogs are getting up to mark their territory.

3 years ago

i believe its intentional. First to surrender the area to China.Along with alot of military technology. Second to give extremist muslims a victory. The dems do not play for our team, its obvious. Furthermore it contributes to the demoralization of Americans and our military. Treason