No Representation Without Taxation

The following information from Real Clear Politics shows an approval rating of 46.8% for president Obama. This is statistically the same percentage as Americans who pay no taxes:

It turns out that nearly half of all Americans don’t have to pay any federal income tax.  In 2009, 47 percent of all filers paid nothing. It’s a number that’s gone up significantly in just a couple of years. Robert Siegel talks to Roberton Williams, who’s been crunching the numbers at the Tax Policy Institute in Washington. According to Williams, millions escape filing because their incomes are too low or they’re eligible for deductions, credits and exemptions.

How long will a system continue once the producers realize that the fruits of their labor are being stolen to pay for the looters who then vote to maintain this theft? We fought a Revolution based on “No Taxation Without Representation”. When we decide to stand up, the fight will be based on the concept of “No Representation Without Taxation”. Consider this: if only taxpayers could vote, Obama’s approval rating would be under 10%.

David DeGerolamo

President Obama Job Approval

Polling Data

Poll Date Sample Approve Disapprove Spread
RCP Average 6/15 – 7/6 46.8 46.5 +0.3
Rasmussen Reports 7/2 – 7/6 1500 LV 48 50 -2
Gallup 7/2 – 7/5 1500 A 45 47 -2
FOX News 6/26 – 6/28 912 RV 46 46 Tie
CBS News/NY Times 6/24 – 6/28 979 A 47 44 +3
McClatchy/Marist 6/15 – 6/23 801 RV 45 47 -2
Time 6/20 – 6/21 1003 A 48 46 +2
Democracy Corps (D) 6/18 – 6/21 1000 RV 46 48 -2
Bloomberg 6/17 – 6/20 1000 A 49 44 +5



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William Geoghegan
William Geoghegan
10 years ago

Now this is really funny. With big money paying for the election of all of congress it appears that the only people who are actually represented are those who contribute the money.

Many working stiffs don’t earn enough to live on anymore. It just like slavery was. Feed the slaves as little as possible and work them to death using the threat of beatings. So the moochers are really those with big money living off of the efforts of the working poor.