No Singing of the National Anthem Allowed at the Twin Towers Memorial

h/t Jan S


Because they can. Because we let them.

David DeGerolamo

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8 years ago

You know those ‘flash performances’ that pop up unexpectedly in malls, and grocery stores?
They should also occur in the Twin Towers Memorial … and just let ’em TRY to shut it down.

Tim Willingham
Tim Willingham
8 years ago

I would like more information…who was that that stopped them….under what authority and statute/ordinance…was this a special event or just a visit on a normal day by the chorus?

Fed up
Fed up
8 years ago

It doesn’t matter where the song is sung, it should not be stopped. This country has been taken over by azzclowns and with the threat of arrest WE have let all of this go on. I can’t even believe I am in the country that I grew up in any more.

8 years ago

OMG! More blood on the ceiling….brb

8 years ago

I am beside myself with fury! Who the F*&K made singing OUR National Anthem ILLEGAL? WHO? Since WHEN?

Tom Angle
8 years ago

“Because they can. Because we let them.”
