Capitol Police chief: Security will remain high due to State of the Union threat
The Capitol Police is keeping its security posture high in response to intelligence that indicates some extremists who joined the Jan. 6 insurrection have discussed plans to attack the building during the State of the Union, Acting Capitol Police Chief Yogananda Pittman revealed Thursday.
The chatter among extremists about trying to blow up the Capitol during the still-unscheduled presidential address, Pittman said, has prompted the Capitol Police to maintain the elevated presence it has kept since last month’s riot. Any decrease in the police’s posture, she said, would come after the threat passes and other gaps identified in the aftermath of the Capitol siege are resolved.
“We know that members of the militia groups that were present on Jan. 6 have stated their desire that they want to blow up the Capitol and kill as many members as possible, with a direct nexus to the State of the Union,” Pittman said during testimony to a House Appropriations subcommittee.
“Based on that information,” she added, it’s “prudent that Capitol Police maintain its enhanced security posture until we address those issues going forward.”
Pittman said existing intelligence has underscored that insurrectionists who stormed the Capitol “weren’t only interested in attacking members and officers. They wanted to send a symbolic message to the nation as to who was in charge of that legislative process.”
While authorities are aware of future attacks being discussed by the militia groups that attacked the Capitol on Jan. 6, it’s unclear how developed or serious the intelligence around those plans may be. President Joe Biden’s first State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress is not expected to be scheduled until after approval of his pandemic relief package.
The address is being presented by Trump this Sunday at 3:40pm est
Absolutely hilarious. I couldn’t stop laughing.
We really should thank them for thinking we are this organized.
The level of military expertise it would take to pull something like that off would be amazing so them publicly making a statement like that is akin to placing us at SF level of capabilities.
Not that those skills do not exist, just not to the level of pulling something like that off at this point in time.
Not to mention, it would be essentially worthless in strategic value. LOL It is unscheduled. So just when do we schedule our attack for. Guess we need to ask to be put on their calendar for scheduling purposes.
Now, for the real reason for this.
False Flag.
They are setting the stage. They always tell us what they are going to do.
Here it comes.
Eyes open.
It’s gotta be bigger than 9/11 to get Gun Confiscation rolling.
“We know that members of the militia groups that were present on Jan. 6″
Um, yes. More than likely the whole crowd was the Militia.
“I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people, except for few public officials.” (George Mason, 3 Elliot, Debates at 425-426)
Biden is not capable to delivering a SOU speech and the Left knows it. I suspect that is what is behind all the hoopla about militias being a threat, the Natl Guard at the Pentagon and around DC and likely COVID 19 too. They are sneaky bastards.
This is pure propaganda by the government.
notice that at no point does the author specify “right wing” militia. wonder why???
could it be because the “militias that were present” on 1-6 were “left wing” militias (antifa, blm, nfa) and he knows it??
BS the commiecrats are afraid of the backlash from there criminal legislation.
So some F.B.Lie plant goes to a meeting of the group he infiltrated and says, “Let’s break into the Capitol while BuyDem is giving his speech and then we can maybe set off a bomb.”
All of this gets recorded on his wire, including what the other fellows in the group said. They loudly told the informant that he is crazy and to shut up because they are not going to do any such things.
The F.B.Lie has the recordings and quickly reports what their informant said, not what the others said. Thus, F.B.Lie has created a false story about a plot that did not exist and one which they tried to insert into a group of patriots but was swiftly rejected.
F.B.Lie now goes to DHS and all sorts of news agencies and state police organizations to vilify the group and to bolster its claim that they are ferreting out the “insurrectionists” and domestic terrorists.
In actuality, all they are doing is continuing to lie and act, as usual, like the criminals that they are.
P.S. I agree with Lordchamp: It is all to set up a False Flag.
(NEVER evder allow yourself to be interviewed by any agent of F.B.Lie. If they want to talk to you, tell them your attorney will set a time and place where you can be interviewed with your attorney present and it will all be videotaped. if they ask why, you tell them that is how you protect yourself from agents who might lie about what a witness said to them. Hint: they won’t like it and will probably never schedule the interview…… but it is money well spent on your attorney !!)
this is why
the sledgehammer show
Unmitigated BULLSHIT !!!!!!!!
No state of the union is the state of the union…
They are purging the military always…force members to take new oaths. Placing fear in their minds if you are republican you better hide it well. Once they purge the military it’s over, say goodbye America.
It is already over, the Marxists have won and patriots which are few are doing nothing constructive and taking this country back under constitution.. Wasting time on Brighteon, Bit Chute and on you tube doing talk shows (all talk and no action), which few listen to anymore since Nov 3d..
[…] No State of the Union Address? | NC Renegades […]
[…] This Little article is PURE projection. They name group’s suspects and intent, they even name a specific date. I can tell you that threads I have access to are NOT discussing any of this. The goals are longer term with higher morals and a whole lot less political imagery. They are also focused on much more local controls because we have seen how ineffective the fed is outside of the beltway: we’ll take the country back by town, county, and state , in that order. If anything is gonna be done at the Federal level, it will be isolation and containment, NOT destructive. Whatever “sources” are sited in that article are likely feeds from federal plants within Militia groups and completely bullshit. Very likley made up by fedtroll to snare some desperate points with the shadow leaders of deepstate. […]