Affordable health care. Most working people do not have health insurance: they have a health care tax. It is so bad, people are paying doctors in cash to get a discount rather than file a claim to meet their “deductible”. The Revolutionary cause of “No Taxation Without Representation” is still valid today. We can add “No Taxation With Health Care Coverage” to the list of crimes against the people by our rulers.
David DeGerolamo
Forty-Nine of 50 States Will See Premium Hikes in 2016
Forty-nine of 50 states will see premium hikes on the individual market in 2016, according to a tracker released by Freedom Partners, a Virginia-based non-profit.
Every state with the exception of Mississippi will see their health insurance premiums rise in 2016, and most states will see double-digit increases.
More than one in three states, or 17 percent, will see average premium increases of 20 percent or more including Alabama, Alaska, Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Tennessee, and West Virginia.
Only in the mind of a moron could you come up with the idea that handing out “free” coverage to several million people can somehow lower the cost of coverage.
True story…..
After paying our own medical bills since dropping insurance in 2000, after figuring out we had to pay roughly $20,000 BEFORE the insurance company paid, the penalty finally got painful enough to look again for coverage. Well, well, now premiums were roughly $23,400 per year with a $13,000 deductible meaning we had to pay $36,400 before insurance kicked in to help.
I’d just like to take this time to thank the fecal matter in the White House, both houses of Congress, and especially the large rectal orifice, Roberts, on the Supreme Court.
I also like to remind my fellow Christians that Sharing Ministries are a WONDERFUL and much more affordable option and they don’t pay for abortions, sex changes, no anal warts yet they do allow subscribers to avoid this absurd penalty.
We went the Medishare route after Blue Cross was directed to cancel my insurance by the regime. I feel we have no insurance at this point except for major surgery. At least we are helping some other people. Roberts was correct: this is not insurance but another tax.
There are avenues of escape. I used Liberty Share.
Before the “affordable” care act came along many middle class people made the financial decision to pay their health care coverage out-of-pocket instead of pay the ridiculous premiums charged by the insurance companies and then engage in mortal battle with them trying to get them to honor their contract and actually pay their medical expenses. True, it was a financial burden on some few people when they encountered large expenses from a catastrophic medical event but it worked OK for most. Now those same people are forced to pay high (and quickly increasing) insurance premiums but the deductibles and co-pays are so high that they have to pay for their own health care expenses anyway…. plus pay those high premiums. This causes people to avoid their basic healthcare needs… which, in turn, leads to more catastrophic health care cost which is paid for by the insurance companies (if you are able to win the arguments with them and actually get them to pay the expenses to which they have contractually committed) which causes the insurance companies to increase premiums. The more they increase premiums, the more this effect increases. It is like a snowball rolling down hill… and the end results will not be pretty.
I’m in MN, and monthly premiums for me alone went from $242 to $396 on January 1.
I injured my knee last spring, and with my “insurance” then I spent $800 out of pocket and they covered zero. Another $2200 and then some things would have been covered. Not looking good this year either.
Thanks Average Joe, I will have to look into those.
Ronald…if you will recall that was the plan. The goal was always a ‘single payer’ government run health care system and as Obama claimed, it will just take some time to get there.
In the end this is just another avenue for the expansion of the Federal beast. With roughly 20% of our economy being health care it is a HUGE power grab, allows government to know a manipulate our most personal information, provides for another method of government control, etc. etc. etc.. With government involvement you can be sure of two things;
1. Health care will get more expensive.
2. The quality will go down.
Just to refresh our collective memories….
Someone listed Liberty Health Insurance and Medishare which look good but there is also Samaritan Ministries too.
Best Wishes!
I live in Maine and my health insurance premiums went up 38% to keep the same coverage I had last year, much more than the listed average 4%.
This year, I ended up having to go to a high deductible plan option where the bulk of what I was paying last year is going to our HSA. I am thankful that my company still carries health insurance and continues to pay the bulk of it.
I know that others have not been so fortunate.
Please do not misunderstand the purpose of my post and it is NOT meant as anything other than an observation on my part put in the format of a query.
What does it say about a people, who have the state of mind, that considers themselves fortunate that government may be screwing others worse than themselves?