No Taxation Without Justice
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1 year ago

If we don’t stop the FEDNOW system from rolling out in July 2023 -- we won’t be fiilng ANY taxes.
It will be done for us by a central bank corporate Artificial Intelligence program. FEDNOW is the digital infrastructure that will allow full on financial slavery under the Central Bank Digital Currency that is planned to be in force by 2025.
FEDNOW is a payment system to replace The Department of the Treasury with regard to payments to US citizens. It will be implemented and run by the parasitic central bank erroneously called The “federal” Reserve Bank that this country has been enslaved to for 100 years. The Fed has orchestrated every boom bust cycle since then. Covid was a real success. At the same time The Fed dumped an additional $5 TRILLION into the money supply itself through it’s Quantitative Easing programs… it also stole $6.1 TRILLION from US citizen’s assets… That’s $11 Trillion to a bank that is 1/2 owned by old European bankster families:
Who owns the “Federal” Reserve? A Private Corporate Banking Cartel. by Herland Report (Published on Substack the 2nd Smartest Guy)
Who owns the Federal Reserve? Read the story on the role of BIS, the World Bank and IMF in controlling world assets. They are:

  • The Rothschilds Families of Paris and London
  • Goldman Sachs Family
  • The Rockefeller Family
  • The Warburg Family of Hamburg
  • The Lehmans Family
  • The Lazard Family of Paris
  • Kuhn Loebs of New York Family
  • The Israel Moses Seif Family of Rome

So call and/or write and/or e-mail your state and federal representatives. Tell them that you are NOT asking. You are demanding -- that they get this FEDNOW nightmare stopped and don’t even think about letting CBDC get started.
*** Tell them that if they decide to ignore you, you will file ethics complaints against them for failing to uphold their oath of office and pursue a recall vote to remove them from office. ***
YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE NICE. We are being murdered by our own government. Two children die from the C19 bioweapon every 60 minutes.
We the people have been had, and we are being murdered with a contagious bio-weapon. Alex Azar, US HHS Head under Trump was the one who orchestrated the statutory / legal side of the scamdemic by creating the Prep Act and the mandates. He is the perpetrator of the largest democide this country has ever seen and needs to go to jail for the rest of his satanic life.

1 year ago
Reply to  60GigaHertz

The day draws neigh to either stand up and get rid of these people allowing and encouraging this or just bend over

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  60GigaHertz

Donald Trump is a Traitor Who Betrayed America (Encore) -- Voting, writing letters and protests are not going to change a thing in my opinion.

Last edited 1 year ago by tom finley
1 year ago

Personally im sick and tired of this schitt and the DC azzholes

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

Over at Western Rifle Shooters is a snip from Matt Brackens book.
Boarders Without Borders?
Not sure if this is too long to post; I wrote Foreign Enemies and Traitors in 2008.
This starts on page 522 in the printed book.

Looks like the newly announced by our “Beloved Overlords” Errr Elected Leadership that home sharing for “Undocumented Immigrants” is going to be ENCOURAGED.

Encouraged like sex surgery changes to “reflect” your true YOU Encouraged.

As Obi-Wan Kenobi said, “You Can’t Win, But There Are Alternatives To Fighting.”

No Fedposting folks, they are listening. The spear point without the shaft is nearly useless.

Protect your family, they know the strength of the family is their weakness.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

If you’re not capable of great violence, you’re not peaceful. your harmless.

Don’t fedpost. It’s stupid to give them free ammo against you.

Ask Kyle Rittenhouse about that and his CURRENT “Civil Rights” court case against him.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

Here is my response to the pedophile in chief in the White House, he can go screw himself and let him take them in and put them up in the six mansions the s-bag satanist owns. As for any illegal dictates on what Blinken and his hordes of sodomites demons in the state dept.are trying to force on the people by taken in terrorists into peoples homes will be suicide on the schmuck who does it. The majority of these diseased infected marxists are of military age and there will be many murders by these gang bangers of innocent dumbed Americans who do this.