“Nobody’s Talking About This, Prepare Yourself for What Comes Next” 

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Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago

Personally, when you know where you are going after you die and you know that God will guide you. It really does not matter what anyone thinks. If you have that fear of what people think, confess of your sin to God and leave that fear behind. In other words repent. He is right, the Hell that is coming is far worse than any of us can imagine. We can stand up against it or stay quite and let it happen. The second option is a sin.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

I have listened to him off and on for years, he is exactly right what they have planned for us is 100 times worse than we imagine. So I confess my sins daily to my God and ask him to give me the courage to be in obedience to his will and fight to rid this land of the evil upon us. We know, listen, see it every day, it comes from the bowls of hell, DC, federal, state and local politicians and their agency goons. A call to muster is what is needed in my opinion.

gail jansen
gail jansen
3 years ago

Ike is great for stretching and challenging the mind. But, like him, I see that what comes next for human beings on this earth is unimaginably dark. The transhumanist movement is rolling along beneath the politics and it’s goal is torture and death for the fun of it. Guess what? We are the trans(itioning) humans. It’s our bodies that are scheduled to become hybridized with AI machines. It’s your children and grandchildren who are targeted to be the monstrosities of change. We are not just fighting tyrants; we must war with Luciferian Man birthing a new race of humans who, like the hybridized pan or satyr, has no future except to be lost in hell. Check it out for yourself. Look up the Anthropocene Age, Transhumanism, Geoengineering for Transhumanism, Hive Minds, and ask “Where does the sentient being within AI come from?” Ask the Jesuits. Ask the deep scientists. Ask God.

3 years ago

This guy makes some good points but “we are (not) all part of an infinite whole” as he says. We are not ALL ONE. That idea comes from Paganism/Hinduism/New Age beliefs. People must learn to listen closely to what others say and discern. If you are a Christian do not be deceived.

3 years ago

I tend to think most people are so focused on “things getting back to normal” we have been so comfortable with life. Many are completely unaware of what Barry did to all of us! And what big pharma, and Fauci have done to us!Not to mention the Bolchvik dems!

3 years ago

I don’t know who this guy is but having listened to this video I hear some truth and some lies. I don’t know what experiences he has had that he is hinting at but it sure sounds iffy to me. I hear nothing from him that sounds like he is a Christian. There are millions of humans who are not Christians but I do not choose them to counsel me.

3 years ago

Coming to the realization that the education system, media and church system are cults is how one learns to disrespect ‘their’ nation, unless they’re satanic. It highlights all the fakery with voting, politics, the steering of medicine, food, and gender, money, and spirituality, towards the goals of those who make, control and carry out policies, as students with multiple degrees for instance, are unable to find a proper paying job, or are among the working poor. People are unable to study or work in their fields of choice because they’re not politically connected. People telling others to “work harder” is really often misapplied, and incongruent with what’s actually going on, being that it’s structural and systemic. With the mobility being more and more restricted, less and less people will be willing to fight in defense of this country, as it’s a self-perpetuating system. This may go as to why the only thing great about America will be its fall.

Jaakko Talvitie
Jaakko Talvitie
3 years ago

Unfortunately, and perhaps even by design, we have an enemy from within -- We have sunken into a society of Envy, Hate, and constant Resistance at any cost – even the deliberate destruction of the economy fueled by the Mainstream Media.
Social Media Mob is the new tool of Extortion by the Cancel Culture
·      Companies are afraid for their reputation, so they give hundreds of millions of dollars to the Marxist BLM cause without knowing where the money goes – ‘peaceful’ demonstrations, riots and lootings are well organized and funded operations
·      No major law firm can no longer represent any individual or corporation the Cancel Culture does not agree with, because they and their clients will be targeted in the Social Medial – major intimidation (extortion)
·      Individuals are afraid for their safety and jobs
·      Feel-Good Limousine Liberals (Hollywood and Media) want to demonstrate that they ‘understand’ and ‘care’, until the Mob shows up in their neighborhood
Let’s remember that any time we judge the past based on today’s (real or manufactured) standards, all of us will fail every time.