North Carolina ACTION ALERT!!

Another “COS” Delegate Bill to prop up stalled Applications for an Article Convention

As you may recall, House Leadership rammed Mark Meckler’s “Convention of States” (COS) and the Term Limits Applications through the North Carolina House the day after their surprise “hearings.” The non transparent process successfully kept any opposition away. But since their passage in the House on March 8, the applications have been languishing in the Senate Rules Committee. What to do??!

“COS’s” standard mode of operation when blocked, is to pull a Delegate bill out of a hat!  And this time, COS has resurrected the bizarre theory that an Article V Convention is really an “interstate convention” governed by customs in the past, and over which State Legislatures have full and complete control.

But Article V of our Constitution grants to Congress the power to “call” a convention; and Article I, Sec. 8, last clause, grants to Congress the power to make the laws necessary and proper to carry out its power to “call” the convention.  

North Carolina may not lawfully set up any gimmick to circumvent the powers granted by our Constitution to Congress, by passing a Delegate Bill which foolishly asserts that customs and practices allegedly followed in  alleged “interstate conventions” in the past supersede our Constitution!

The Legislation

HB 648 (Delegate)—House Judiciary 1 CommitteeHearing Wed., April 26 at Noon EDT.


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1 year ago

Bless you for following the state legislature. But I am struggling to understand this one. OK. I’ve read your post twice. I’m starting to get it. I’m listening to the committee now.
Land Partition: The committee just voted for favorable report on changes to land ownership “partition” act. The county clerks didn’t want it. Nobody answered Abe Jone’s question as to why make land ownership changes MUCH harder right now… they just blew over him and re-iterated that the changes would allow the state of NC to get more federal dollars. OMFG!! We don’t want ANY MORE FEDERAL DOLLARS. The railroader was NC REP PRICEY HARRISON (DEM District 61-Guilford) who is sitting there with a pink mask on -- indicating she is a full on bio-robot… and she was the one who didn’t answer Rep Abe Jone’s logical question.I will get into this more… but not for a while yet.
* * *
Congress as a whole has forgotten what the US Constitution is… and there’s a good chance that their Oaths of Office documents do not exist meaning they are legally not in office.
We are fighting a federal government that is murderously out of control and trying to get our state legislatures to stand up against the federal government.
My original question to you was: Are you seeing that the NC Genl Assy is working to implement legislation that supports the globalists?
Now I can answer it myself. YES. Pricey Harrison is one of them. I’d bet money that the land partition bill they say they’ve been working on for 19 years -- even though the entire statute was updated in 2020 (??) has stuff in it about compliance with UN land ownership records and more… The UN has been tracking land ownership in the US for over 20 years. It has a database of every piece of property in the USA. I want to ask everyone who is in office WHY DOES THE UN NEED TO KNOW WHAT I OWN?

1 year ago
Reply to  60GigaHertz

Short Answer: So they can tax or confiscate it.

Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
1 year ago

The nation does not need a review or revamp of the Constitution. All legislatures need to review and understand the one we already have.

1 year ago

@60GigaHertz and others …

A more important question would be “why should we care if ‘they’ succeed with the COS and replace the current Constitution?”

The animals that inhabit legislatures have an anti-Liberty agenda. We have no recourse to ‘protections’ outlined in the Sacred Parchment.

I feel no shame in ignoring or defying the Will of a legislature (Fed, State or local) … under this or any other political framework.

Mao said: “All political power comes from the barrel of a gun“. By logical extension we must conclude:

To restore a culture of Liberty, all political power must be extinguished through the barrel of a gun.

So, I’ll sit at my table in the park with a cup of coffee and a sign that says “change my mind”.

change my mind.jpeg
tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Hans

Yes, we have no recourse but one, we better HTFU.

1 year ago

I don’t trust a con con, there is no respect for the one we have, there will be no respect for anew one if it is any good!