North Carolina Can Learn From North Dakota

Taxes have become so ingrained in our culture that we now believe it is our obligation to pay them. How much should we pay? As Republican Cherokee County Commissioner Lori Meltz wrote me concerning property taxes: I must pay my “fair share”. I had paid my property taxes but she had decided to make me an example for filming a commissioners’ meeting in which her views were not popular. In an abuse of her power, she researched me personally and checked my property tax payments. She could have at least checked the current records instead of the system abandoned in December of 2011. The points are simple: the definition of fair share is MORE and politicians are using taxation for redistribution.

In Wake County, North Carolina, my property taxes have risen over 140% in 20 years. If this tax was raised based on inflation, I would be paying only a 69% increase. Why did our property taxes double the rate of inflation? Our property values have decreased about 20%, have our homes been reassessed? Why not? If our property values had increased 20%, the property taxes would be raised even if expenditures had not increased. As Charlene Nelson states in the following article:

“The problem with reducing a tax is it’s like a weed. It always grows back”

North Carolina’s people are the highest taxed in the Southeast. And the result? We need more taxes to support the myriad causes of politicians pandering for votes or liberal causes. The latest proposal is an increase in the state sales tax for education by Gov. Bev. Taxation is no longer a means to finance the “general welfare” such as road construction or public education. It is a means of redistribution in which the producers are enslaved by the government. But I am willing to debate this assertion at any time with only one condition, read the following short articles first.

“The Consequences of Debt: Americans’ Wealth Plummets 40% in Three Years”

We Get the Government that We Deserve

Border agency overextended on drone program

I wonder how much oil and natural gas North Carolina has off our coast.

David DeGerolamo

North Dakota voters to decide on abolishing property tax

North Dakota voters will decide Tuesday on the ultimate tax revolt: abolishing the property tax altogether. A citizen-led petition drive has put the daring, all-or-nothing proposal before the voters in a state flush with tax revenue, jobs and prosperity generated by an oil boom.

North Dakota’s political and business establishment has lined up against the measure. The state Chamber of Commerce, farm groups, unions and most elected officials are opposed.

“The oil boom makes it easier to get rid of the tax, but we started this before the oil boom took off,” said Charlene Nelson, chairman of Empower The Taxpayer, which is leading the tax repeal effort. “Any state would benefit from this same thing.”

The property tax is the most unpopular of all taxes, according to polling by the Tax Foundation.

Nelson, the tax opponent, hopes North Dakota starts a brush fire elsewhere to end – not just lower — the property tax. “The problem with reducing a tax is it’s like a weed. It always grows back,” she said.


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