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Amen to AngryVetNC! Deception to the max!
Here’s to Trump’s Op Warp Speed where he called up ONE MILLION TROOPS to administer lethal injections.
civil war is coming
The charge of Tyranny has already been brought before the Courts in some jurisdictions and rejected.
The argument against, which was upheld, was that no “force” has been used -- all recipients freely chose to line up for thier injection.
On the charge of informed consent and coercion it was argued, and upheld, that all people had full access to all information regarding the mRNA vaccinations, including adverse risks and the reports of adverse reactions. Again, as people chose to line up for thier injection freely and enthusiastically in many cases, there was no basis for claiming that informed consent was not given and / or coercion was used.
An argument was also presented -- which could have become precedent that as informed consent was given any potential legal challenge to a Human becoming reclassed as a ‘Transhuman’ or GMO will not stand (unless upheld in a Higher Court).
This is important because if a Human is no longer a ‘Human’ but a ‘Transhuman’ / GMO, then Governments will be able to strip all recipients of rights. A Human who has chosen to become a ‘Transhuman’ or GMO has become legally a “genetically modified organism” and cannot assume to have the “natural” (or God given) rights of people who remain genetically pure.
Informed consent means FULL DISCLOSURE and when you’re DEFRAUDED and liability is hidden- as the vax inserts are EMPTY and adverse reactions are removed from the public and medical sphere? NO informed consent was transacted, I dont care what form you signed.
They sure do want you to take that shot.
At least make it hard for them. 3M has a coating that can be applied to your windows. It is designed to withstand someone trying to break the glass. The glass shatters but the film remains. Another benefit is that you can see out but they can’t see in.
I also went online an ordered a “no everything sign” including do not knock or ring the doorbell. It comes with a 3 foot stake to put into the ground.
Just answer the door with your AR…lol
I like that!
No soliciting means absolutely nothing it is a suggestion. No trespassing is totally the way to go because it is illegal to trespassing on private property
I’ll pass.
Didn’t the gene therapy shot have to be kept at a certain temperature?
Only the first version which was made in 2019 (well in advance of the “unforseen” pandemic) had to be kept a sub zero temperatures.
The new versions of poison called “vaccines” can be stored chilled (but have a limited shelf life).
Its said the low temps were necessary to halt the magnetic properties of the vax. Was this the graphene oxide being held in check?
” . . . the conversation leads to the choice to ‘get protected.’
Demonic Putrid Lies!! ‘Take the shot and die.’
The corner is clearly identified…the push toward it is full on. How far until someone acts or acquiesces? Satan’s work is in overdrive now- time is short.
Tell them to leave, than shut the door. If they dont leave,call the sheriff and tell him you have a trespassers who wont leave. Than go back to watching t.v. Stop being dramatic
Watching TV! Waste of time.
Sad, fools being led astray
First they ask…
The following article on Brighteon proves beyond question that the virus was patented 21 years ago. Facebook blocks the link to this video. This is CRITICAL information that must be made public. Watch the video interview!! FULL INTERVIEW: There is no variant… not novel… no pandemic. Dr David Martin with Reiner Fuellmich
I saw a doctor reveal the patent is a SARS and was made around 2002 --that’s where the sars came from that killed many here in early 2000s.
Fauci was involved in the creation of this sars.
Just say NO! Brighteon
nothing new, they have been doing this since May
They have been doing it in ms.usa as well.
At this point, with plenty of legitimate information available, there are no excuses to be part of the Great Human Experiment of Depopulation.
Those who are stupid enough to take this injection are past Obama voters or oxygen wasters.
Don’t answer the door. Don’t say anything, for they will twist your words.
I live in Meck. County. Guess I better run out there and get my garbage cans in from the road before they come along and catch me outside. I won’t be answering my door.
This appears very similarly to when one is being accosted by a bill collector, whether directly in person, or on the phone, or by mail.
I have heard that, in Law, one should always strive to “stay in honor”, because the one who “stays in honor” has the best chance of winning the matter !
I have heard that, when anyone makes a presentment to you, then you have 4 options available to you:
(1) You can agree with the presentment, or
(2) You can disagree with the presentment, or
(3) You can ignore it, and remain silent, or
(4) You can “conditionally agree” with the presentment. (Only this option will give you the chance to “stay in honor”, and possibly win.)
It is also doing what Jesus Christ admonished His disciples to do in:
Matthew 5:25 “Agree with thine adversary quickly, whiles thou art in the way with him; lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison.”
Matthew 5:26 “Verily I say unto thee, Thou shalt by no means come out thence, till thou hast paid the uttermost farthing.” (KJV)
Here is what I have heard, how one can “conditionally agree” (like Jesus instructed) to a bill collector (or a vaccine pusher):
“Ring, ring !”
John Doe: “Hello !”
Collector: “Is this John Doe?”
John Doe: “Who’s calling?”
Collector: “This is Bob from the Mafia Collection Agency”
John Doe: “I’m sorry, but I am very busy right now. If you could put something in writing, I will be happy to consider it.”
“Click !” … You hang up!
Here you have not admitted to being John Doe, you have asked them questions (and not answered them), and you have politely excused yourself from conversing because you are busy, yet have agreed to remain in honor by giving this matter your consideration if they will put their matter in writing to you (which they very likely will not do), and then you end it all by just hanging up !
Anyway, I’m just saying … I have heard !
Be Sure there are more than One, large, “No Trespassing/ No Soliciting” signs at the Edge of the Property and in front of the House Door.
Demand to see a Driver’s License and tell them they will be charged with Trespass. Don’t answer any questions, Ask them. Make it Clear that they are Unwanted and need to Leave. Do Not Converse in any way about the ‘vaccine’.
If they persist, Slam the Door and call 911 to Report an attempted Home Invasion.
Ask them if they’re willing to accept liability for vaccine damage/
The communists are here!! Hahaha!! NO Trespassing! Get it communists?
If the disease is 98-99% survivable, depending on your age and medical condition, why the big push?
Why are the following incentives being pushed:
1. money if you’re a celebrity if post your shot in instagram, twitter, social media
2. free food, doughnuts, beer by businesses
3. paid time off work
4. now lotteries
Why the incessant ads on tv and social media to get the shot and discredit skeptics? Conversely, why the media blackout and deplatforming of skeptics on social media?
Why the public service messages from past presidents?
Why are they trying so hard for people to get the shot?
At least they are starting in the projects where a lot of the communist democrat voters live!
These people are violating the HIPPA,…..only your medical doctor can ask questions and these folks can be arrested and given jail time--You notice where they are?? Not in exclusive neighborhoods.
Yesterday, a man told a host on a show, his informer from VAERS said the death numbers in US is up to 50,000 not 7000 as listed on the site and injuries are a million.
That’s like 1000 avg per state dead from this.
NO TRESPASSING…not the other. No soliciting won’t work.
Are these people mental or what? Say it ain’t so, Joe.
WHY ARE THEY PUSHING IT SO HARD? If they didn’t make such a big deal of it by offering prizes, free stuff, lotteries, etc. I bet people wouldn’t be as afraid to take it.
THEY THINK WE ARE STUPID! It’s experimental and Gene therapy not a vaccine! Not interested and I would rather die of lead poisoning than take it!
Some facts that have not changed since 2019 outbreak
Be Warned / Be Educated / Be Calm
Humans are humans. They are more interested in sex and entertainment than learning about what’s happening in the world that affects their own welfare.
As an independent medical researcher I feel this is the most scary thing I have ever seen, they are targeting the ignorant because those that have studied ANYTHING know that these deadly chemicals kill and have killed and maimed for decades, think about it, you are allergic to outside, you die from a peanut, everyone is peeing on themselves, all of the kids are sick from some kind of disease, every commercial is selling deadly drugs, people are dropping like flies, young people are on scooters (and not the fun kind), autism is triple fold, macular degeneration is running rampant and even kids have to wear glasses, well, NEED I SAY MORE? And you want people to trust the same people that did this to the population, everything they tell you is a lie and can be proven, it is documented and has been for centuries, so, come to my door and play your silly game, we are waiting for you…………
I think we know where this is going. The pushback will be false flagged and then the teams will need military security just like Trump was planning.
What they are doing is illegal and unconstitutional and the stupid people should not open there doors to them and when they do they need to tell them to get lost and tell them they are trespassing. It’s amazing how they started in by west part of that putrid demonrat city where all the minorities live. They are killing the black peoples first Akins with stupid white communist demonrata.
In reality all they are……….are roving death squads. Put up a visable “No Trespassing ” sign. If you tell em to leave and they refuse you can legally call the cops and have em arrested.
No thanks. If people want it they’ll get it why have over 7,000 people died from this “vaccine” so far. China Flu has a 99.6 survival rate
[…] North Carolina: Door-to-door vaccines launch in Mecklenburg County | NC Renegades […]
[…] with relish. It gives them a sense of individual power to enforce state dictates. Now we have government goons going door to door to deliver their Kill Shot. It is time to for us men to embrace that beast inside of us and to […]
What part of evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived don’t people get?
and yet illegal aliens by the tens of millions run the streets unvaccinated against measles, mumps, rubella, polio, etc.
wuhan flu is the fulcrum.
What the heck happens when someone has an adverse event right on their porch? Learn the damn risks people!!!!