North Carolina Has a New Commando Unit for Secretive Missions Around the World

The North Carolina Army National Guard has quietly stood up a new commando detachment for secretive missions around the world.On Oct. 18th, federal and state officials held a ceremony marking the creation of Special Operations Detachment-X—a.k.a., SOD-X — in the capital Raleigh. The Guard already has 10 commando detachments spread across the country.

The addition of the of the SOD … means North Carolina now has the ability to accomplish worldwide missions,” Brig. Gen. John Byrd, the state’s assistant adjutant general for domestic operations, said at the ceremony.

All of the Army’s commando detachments align with an active-duty headquarters. We don’t know what the “X” stands for, but it appears the Army intends for the new detachment to help out the super-secret Joint Special Operations Command.



Your tax dollars (and my tribute) at work.

This is not what our country was intended to be.

David DeGerolamo

h/t Tom R

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Proud American Patriot
Proud American Patriot
10 years ago

Dave I got to call tin foil on this one. The Nat. Guard has has SF units for decades and that is all this is… A standard SF Detachment… nothing super secret about it. With the continued draw down of active Army units it is no surprise that NCNG got a SF unit. They also have a very good EOD unit…. They all fall under the same command. I know some of them….

Nothing nefarious about this unit… and its not SUPER SECRET…. otherwise it wouldn’t have been in the news….

and JSOC…. yes is does operate in the realm of secrecy… it is kinda important that they do… but JSOC was formed after the failed attempt to rescue the Iranian Hostages to better coordinate Spec Ops missions…

Keep up the good work…

Scott C
Scott C
10 years ago

I do not see the need for this unit. When they stated “due to their experiences and knowledge from the civilian sector” I get really confused, since they already have a MOS that uses civilian skills namely Civilian Affairs. And I am not sure what civilian career converts over to SF style work. NC National Guard already has a CT unit, so again, I am just scratching my head wondering what is the purpose of another unit. I also wondered why the author said “Most notably, special operators from the command likely led the raid to kill Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan in 2011” when we’ve been told all along that SEAL’s conducted the raid. I am just perplexed by this article.