Northcom: Russian Cruise Missile Threat to U.S. Grows

Russia's KH-101 long-range cruise missile / National Air and Space Intelligence Center

by Bill Gertz

Russia is developing a long-range cruise missile that poses a new threat to the United States, the commander of the U.S. Northern Command warned this week.

“Russia is progressing toward its goal of deploying long-range, conventionally-armed cruise missiles with ever increasing stand-off launch distances on its heavy bombers, submarines, and surface combatants, augmenting the Kremlin’s toolkit of flexible deterrent options short of the nuclear threshold,” Adm. William Gortney, Northcom chief who heads the U.S.-Canadian North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) said Thursday.

“Should these trends continue, over time NORAD will face increased risk in our ability to defend North America against Russian cruise missile threats,” he said in prepared testimony to the House Armed Services subcommittee on strategic forces.

A defense official said the missile that concerns the Northcom commander is the Russian KH-101 cruise missile which Russia has developed as a weapon to attack critical infrastructure in the United States, such as the electrical grid.


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9 years ago

Sounds like more propaganda to me. This is the same norad that couldn’t find 4 missing jetliners on 911.

9 years ago

So WHAT! We have cruse missiles that can do the same. What lunatic says that a country can’t have the same armament as the U.S . Other countries have the right to do as they please “Unless they attack us.” Our self defense DOES NOT include telling other countries what they can or cannot do.” Yes we need CLEAR , SOLID intelligence on what potential enemies are doing, But until an OVERT act of aggression occurs , we should keep our mouth shut, and NOT act like the school yard bully.
I welcome intelligent response.

9 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade
